Happy and Stressed? You’re Trying Too Hard

Happy and stressedEach one of us faces different levels of stress on a daily basis.  For some, stress levels go up when dealing with the morning rush hour traffic.  Will I get to work on time?  For others, anxiety is associated with major decisions that need to be made within a short period of time.  Do I accept this job offer or not?  If I do, will this entail more stress when I work?

If I don’t, I might experience anxiety while I try to find another job that fits my talents and work experience.  Regardless of the type of situation we face on a daily basis, each of us should understand that our mental health is often at stake when we engage in daily activities.

Trying Too Hard – Stress and Anxiety


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The common goal of human beings is to find happiness and peace in their lives, including that at home and at work.  Some people possess this natural ability to handle stress, whereas others easily crumble at the slightest hint of anxiety.  It is possible that each day consists of mental health exercises, allowing us to deal with different forms and levels of stress.

The Medical Report on Mental Health

According to a recent medical report, the attempt to be happy should not require tremendous effort because this may also result in more stress.  The report explained that some individuals fear the expression of sadness and anxiety because this may send signals to friends, family members, and co-workers of their difficulty in dealing with a certain situation.  These individuals thus often show a facial expression of happiness, constantly smiling and speaking in a well-regulated voice.  However, the report showed that these acts of covering up real emotions might induce more anxiety and stress, which may eventually result in an actual mental health disorder.

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The report explained that human beings are bound to feel anxiety every now and then and thus, it is natural to feel some level of anger or surprise every now and then.  Keeping a stance of happiness and calmness amid actual human emotions puts pressure on the brain, possibly affecting one’s mental health.  The authors of the article also defined psychopathy as a mental health condition that is characterized by the inability to show empathy, or to recognize certain emotions among other individuals, including blurring emotions towards another person.  The report discussed that people who try hard to be happy often project a smiling face, regardless of the anxiety that a friend is experiencing.  Extreme cases of psychopathy are thus strongly associated with criminals, who are often unaffected of the harm that they inflict on other people.

Stress, Anxiety and What This Report Means for it


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The authors of the report emphasized that people should not spend much time and effort in making themselves happy.  It is expected that each day may be tinged with factors that induce stress and anxiety levels, yet it is also more important to understand that it is normal for an individual to react to these types of situations, as long as no other person or property is harmed.  Dealing with the actual problem based on one’s capacity is best and expressing the real emotions to specific situations is a good mental health activity.

Understanding Anxiety – The Key to Happiness

Each of us constantly wishes that every day in our lives would be uneventful and peaceful. However, we also know that this has a small chance of happening. The information provided by the recent medical report may significantly help readers in understanding that anxiety on a daily basis may occur and that reacting to stressful situations help release negative emotions. More importantly, the report explains that we don’t have to try hard to be happy because this artificial way of dealing with difficult situations may also lead to further mental disorders. Let us thus simply look forward to better days ahead!

Related Reading: Herbs to combat stress the natural way


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