Articles Related To Breast.


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Category Archives: Breast

Pneumonia risk higher with breast cancer treatments, personalized treatment protocols may help reduce pneumonia mortality

Pneumonia risk has been found to be higher in patients undergoing breast cancer treatment. There has been a consensus among the medical community that pneumonia in cancer patients was a result of a weakened immune system and exposure to multiresistant bacteria – also known as superbacteria – causing the lung infection. Cancer patients, in particular, here to read more

Unnecessary mastectomy on the rise?

Despite the fact that mastectomy is an invasive surgery with a difficult recovery, many women continue to choose it as the “safe bet” when faced with breast cancer. In fact, about 70 percent of breast cancer patients will have the procedure done, says the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. But if the ultimate aim here to read more


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Study Warns Women: You Need A Yearly Mammogram Earlier Than You Thought

A shocking new study reveals that the majority of women dying from breast cancer are younger than the ones traditionally being told to start going for regular mammogram exams.  According to the research, published in Cancer, these younger women would have greatly benefited from regular yearly mammogram routines from much earlier ages – and it possibly could here to read more

Young Women Who Drink Alcohol Increase Their Risk of Breast Cancer

College campuses across the globe are witnessing a huge increase in alcohol consumption among students. Not many of these young people are thinking about the future consequences of such enthusiastic binge drinking. While this is a concern for both genders, recent findings suggest that young women should especially be wary of alcohol consumption. There is here to read more

Breast Cancer Prognosis Determined By This One Gene

Receiving a confirmed breast cancer diagnosis is difficult, and discovering an aggressive form of this disease can be utterly devastating.  But new research just published in Cell may provide some hope for those diagnosed with aggressive forms of breast cancer.  The researchers identified a particular gene, called ZEB1, with the power to convert non-cancer stem here to read more

Preventing Breast Cancer in High Risk Women

With all of the recent media attention surrounding Angelina Jolie’s radical double mastectomy surgery, breast cancer prevention is once again in the spotlight.  Many people are wondering if this drastic double mastectomy procedure is the only prevention option for women that are at a high risk of developing breast cancer. However, prevention can also begin here to read more

Star Gazing Software and Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is recognized as the leading cause of death among women around the world.  This malignancy has sparked intense interest among scientists and physicians, prompting them to conduct extensive studies on molecular markers that could help in the early diagnosis of the disease. For other investigators, the significant rise in the number of breast here to read more