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Category Archives: Bladder

Tips for Coping with an Enlarged Prostate

You may not have realized it, but your prostate has probably been growing since you were 25. It’s possible you’re feeling no symptoms, and it’s business as usual. But it might make your life miserable, or at the very least, give you anxiety about the future. The natural growth of the prostate gland is called here to read more


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Eat These To Give Your Kidneys a Hand

Sure, you’ve heard of eating the rainbow of fruits and vegetables, but are you really doing it? Unlikely, according to a new study. Especially if you have chronic kidney disease (CKD). People with the condition were found to eat fewer colorful fruits and veggies than those without the condition, which may play a role in here to read more

What Urine Can Show You about Your Health

You may not look at the urine you’ve just expelled before flushing it away; it’s not something most people really want to examine. But it can give you an idea about what’s happening inside your body. Pee is your body’s liquid waste. It is mainly made of water, salt, electrolytes, and chemicals called urea and here to read more

The Facts on Urinary Incontinence

Everybody has been in a situation where they’ve really got to go. Maybe you’ve gone beyond the point of crossing your legs and are squirming in a battle to keep your bladder from releasing. For most, this happens occasionally. Maybe you’re at a play or an event when getting to a bathroom can present a here to read more

Foods to Help Your Bladder

You might not think of food when it comes to bladder health or managing a sensitive bladder. If not, that’s completely understandable. But you might want to start. Thinking about how food may impact your bladder may help tame a sensitive bladder and allow you to regain some control. An irritated or overactive bladder, after here to read more