Articles Related To Exercise.


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Category Archives: Exercise

Daily Steps to Keep Inflammation in Check

What do a mattress, toothbrush, salmon, and sneakers have in common? They may all be able to help you fight against chronic inflammation – a persistent state of immune system activity that’s linked to several health problems and risks. The more healthy habits you have, the better chance you’ll have at limiting inflammation and disease here to read more

Researchers May Have Come Up with the Prescription for Prolonged Sitting

There is an ever-growing amount of research showing that prolonged sitting is bad for your health. Extended sitting has become a staple of modern-day life. It’s an essential job requirement for many, while it’s also paramount to travel time, leisure time, and even socializing. What’s even scarier is that its hazardous effects even impact people here to read more


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Coconut Sugar Can Manage Blood Pressure & Arterial Stiffness Effectively Among Older Adults

Millions of people around the world are affected by high blood pressure, one of the leading causes of arterial stiffness and adverse health consequences. Luckily, a natural dietary option can help you manage your blood pressure and reduce your risk for long-term issues: Coconut sugar. Read on to learn more about a new study that here to read more

Fall Prevention Techniques

If you’re 65 or older, you’re at risk for a potentially serious fall. People in this age cohort suffer a fall every second in the United States, and it’s their number one cause of injury-related death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 20 percent of falls in adults tend to here to read more

Stay Safe on the Slopes This Season

Many parts of the country are getting some snow, and while the general population may be fretting and planning to stay in, skiers and snowboarders are looking to hit the slopes. Although it’s enticing, you don’t really want to jump right off the chair lift and onto the slopes. Like any physical activity, skiing and here to read more

The Importance of Muscle Strength with Age

As people get older, their muscle mass shrinks and strength and power go down. This can result in reduced mobility and a higher risk of injury. The process also starts earlier than you might think. But you can slow it down with strength training. Age-related muscle mass is medically known as sarcopenia, comparable to osteopenia here to read more

10 Minutes of Aerobic Exercise with Exposure Therapy Reduces PTSD Symptoms: Study

New research led by UNSW Sydney psychologists suggests that exposure therapy and aerobic exercise may help reduce post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. It is common for people with PTSD to be encouraged to try exposure therapy, but up to half of the patients don’t respond to it. This lack of response from patients to exposure here to read more