Essential oils for circulation: 10 best oils to improve blood circulation

Essential oils for circulationBlood plays an important role in providing much need oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues. But the blood can’t do its part if it’s unable to reach its destination. This is where the circulatory system comes in. Through the actions of a pumping heart and the contraction of various muscles, blood can be propelled throughout the body.

Unfortunately, this is only an ideal situation, as various health issues and problems with blood vessels can inhibit the blood distribution process, leading to poor circulation.


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Essential oils can be used to help increase blood flow. They are not to be confused with fragrance oils or perfumes. Essential oils are derived from leaves, flowers, roots, bark, and other parts of plants.

10 best essential oils for circulation

Knowing the proper way to utilize essential oils is key to finding relief from poor circulation. The oils mentioned can be used in an aromatherapy diffuser or diluted in a carrier oil to be applied to the skin. Using essential oils in this manner can provide immediate relief of circulatory issues. Here are some great essential oils to try:

Cypress essential oil: Having strong antioxidant compounds, this essential oil may help get rid of toxins in the body, acting much in the same way as omega-3 oils. It is able to stimulate blood circulation while also helping calm the nervous system.

Coriander essential oil: When used on the skin, this essential oil can be a strong pain reliever, owing to its strong medicinal properties. A recent study found that coriander oil used in aromatherapy can lower blood pressure. The oil is also known for its ability to digest fats, helping to reduce plaque that sticks to blood vessels. Coriander essential oil also inhibits diuretic abilities, eliminating toxins from the body.

Eucalyptus essential oil: As this oil is absorbed by the body, the powerful compound eucalyptol works as a potent vasodilator, increasing the size of blood vessels. This allows for more blood to flow and circulate around the body. Eucalyptus oil is a great choice for people who suffer from chronic fatigue.

Black pepper essential oil: This common tabletop spice is packed with health benefits. It is known for containing large amounts of limonene—the most common terpene in nature. This property is thought to dissolve cholesterol in the body. It is also known for stimulating the digestive system, helping to relieve constipation.

Ginger essential oil: This oil is known for providing a pleasant, warming sensation when used. It also contains antioxidant compounds that help the body eliminate waste and reduce inflammation. The combination of these two effects can help promote blood circulation. Ginger essential oil is commonly used on the skin for swollen extremities and sore muscles.

Cumin essential oil: When absorbed by the body, cumin oil acts to reduce the fat in the plasma of the blood—a primary contributor to poor circulation. It is also considered a mild pain reliever and is commonly added to pain relief essential oil blends.

Wintergreen essential oil: This oil may promote blood circulation by reducing platelet aggregation in the bloodstream. Platelets are part of the blood clotting system and can be the cause of thrombosis—a blood clot. Wintergreen is said to be as effective for thinning the blood as aspirin—one of the most common medications used to thin the blood after a heart attack.

Lavender oil: A popular essential oil for its relaxing and sedative properties as well as its distinct, sweet floral scent. Lavender oil can help calm and soothe the mind and body. This can help dilate blood vessels by eliminating stress, anxiety, fear, and tension—all of which can contribute to poor circulation.

Neroli oil: Derived from blossoms of the bitter orange tree, this essential oil is quite obscure. However, it’s been shown in several studies to have some heart health benefits that help to boost blood circulation. When used with aromatherapy neroli oil, it helped to lower blood pressure, making it an ideal choice for promoting blood circulation.

Juniper oil: A great detoxifier, it helps cleanse the blood. This essential oil releases toxins from the body and promotes the excretion of uric acid crystals. This detoxifying action of juniper is particularly useful in treating poor circulation.

Essential oil recipes for circulation

Essential oils do not have to be used independently. In fact, many of their beneficial effects can be amplified by combining them together. The following are a couple of essential oil blends specifically tailored to stimulate blood flow.

Recipe one: Use this blend on the chest area for best results.


  • 5 drops geranium essential oil
  • 5 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 5 drops hyssop essential oil
  • 5 drops black pepper essential oil
  • 5 drops ginger essential oil
  • 30ml carrier oil (sage and sandalwood are best for circulation)

Recipe two: Can be either used as an addition to your bath or rubbed directly on the skin (when combined with 30ml of carrier oil).


  • 5 drops black pepper essential oil
  • 5 drops rosemary essential oil


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Recipe three: Can also be used as an addition to your bath or rubbed on the skin (when combined with 30ml of carrier oil).


  • 3 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 2 drops basil essential oil
  • 3 drops sage essential oil

Related: Poor circulation treatment: How to improve blood circulation


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