Hip circle exercise for healthy digestion

Low angle view of senior couple with hula hoopsThink of your body as a tree with your core being the trunk. A tree is sturdy because of a strong trunk, and the same goes for your body. A strong core comes with many benefits, like reducing your risk of injury (you’ll lower your risk of falls!), better protection for organs such as intestines and nervous system, reduced back pain and even improvements on your posture. But there is another important benefit which you can receive when you work on your core – it can improve your digestion.

Hip circle for better digestion

Digestion issues seem to be on the rise and the older you get the more digestion-related issues you will encounter. There are many things you can do to improve your digestion, like eat certain food, stay hydrated and even take probiotics. But there is one exercise technique that not only works your core to help you receive all the benefits a strong core has to offer, but it can improve your digestion as well.


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The best part about this exercise is that anyone can do it – regardless of physical level and abilities! Who doesn’t like an easy solution? Instead of keeping you in suspense any longer, we’ll come right out and say it. The move which can improve your core and digestion is…hip circles.

That’s right, no more lying on your back and doing crunches, or holding yourself up in a plank position, the hip circle technique involves simple standing and, as the name suggests, circling your hips.

What exactly makes hip circles so effective? Well, the circular motion works to strengthen and lubricate the spine and hips. Moving in multiple directions strengthens your back, can slim your waist and helps your organs eliminate waste.

How to hip circle for healthy digestion?

If you’re ready to boost up your core strength while promoting healthier digestion, follow these easy directions.

1. Stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart and place hands on your hips
2. Circle your hips around as if you’re hula-hooping

And that’s it! Remember, this technique isn’t a race, so take things nice and slow by using gradual hip turns. Ideally you want to circle 50 times to the left and 50 times to the right, and that’s it! Something so easy it can be squeezed in any time of the day.

If you want additional benefits add in your shoulders. While circling, losen up your shoulders and have them roll with you as well. This works to relieve shoulder and upper back tension – and who doesn’t want to combat that nowadays.

This practice can be done daily or just a few times a week, but you’ll begin to notice after only a few tries that you’re standing taller and your digestion is feeling better as well.

Health benefits of exercise for digestion


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Exercise can benefit your digestive system in numerous ways including boosting blood circulation and regulates your digestion to keep it regular. When circulation is boosted in your digestive system it ensures your digestion doesn’t become lazy and keeps everything in motion. Exercise can also help relieve gas, bloating, heartburn, constipation and stomach cramps.

Other benefits of exercise on the digestion include offering an internal massage, increase your metabolism, strengthen your muscles, and relax your mind and decreases stress which are known to wreak havoc on your digestion.

As you can see regular exercise can offer you more benefits than just weight loss and improve your heart, it can aid in digestion which is a growing problem in today’s society. It may be good practice then to exercise more often if you want to stay regular.


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Related Reading:

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