Healthy Lifestyle Awareness Day: Aging, joint, bladder, and heart health

Sedentary-LifestyleHealthy Lifestyle Awareness Day is Wednesday, February 22, 2017, and in recognition, we’ve gathered some of Bel Marra Health’s most recent articles with tips on aging, joint health, bladder health, and heart health.

Sedentary lifestyle may accelerate biological aging: Study

A new study from the University of California, San Diego, has found that elderly women who sit for a minimum of 10 hours daily and get little to no exercise have cells that are biologically older than their more active counterparts.


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Elderly women who get less than 40 minutes of moderate exercise and are sedentary for approximately ten hours daily have shorter telomeres that are associated with older cells. Telomeres are small caps on the end of DNA strands meant to protect the chromosomes, and as you age, these caps get shorter and deteriorate. The telomeres found within the cells of the women studied revealed that at a biological level, those who led a mostly sedentary life were on average eight years older than those who remained active. Continue reading…

lifestyle-tips-for-arthritisLiving with arthritis? Simple lifestyle and exercise tips to improve your joint health

Taking care of your joint health should be a priority, especially when you hear about the millions of people living with arthritis. Arthritis is a term used to describe a lot of joint pain or joint diseases. There are over 100 different types of arthritis and related conditions. What people need to know is that in many cases, lifestyle adjustments and exercise can go a long way in improving the health of your joints.

People of all ages and backgrounds get arthritis. In fact, arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United States. An overwhelming 50 million adults and around 300,000 children do have some kind of arthritis. It is true that it happens more often among the elderly, but the more you know about the condition, the better prepared you will be to prevent it, as well as improve your condition if you are ever diagnosed with arthritis. Continue reading…

Prevent-bladder-infectionPrevent bladder infection: Natural ways and lifestyle tips to boost bladder health

A bladder infection is an extremely uncomfortable condition that can affect the lower urinary tract, and more than 50 percent of all women will suffer from at least one bladder infection at some point in their life. The traditional treatment method for bladder infections is a course of antibiotics; however, taking antibiotics can cause a range of other unwanted health problems, including a higher risk of contracting other infections.

The following natural remedies can help to encourage bladder health, reduce the risk of bladder infection, and if your infection is caught early enough, may also help to treat your bladder infection without the need for antibiotics. Continue reading…

healthy-lifestyleSimple healthy lifestyle changes to make in the New Year

Now that it is 2017, we are all focusing on our New Year’s resolutions, although statistics show only eight percent of people actually stick to them. Instead of being part of the other 92 percent who don’t follow through on their commitments, join the health-conscious minority by choosing easy-to-follow resolutions that can greatly improve your well-being.

President of the American Medical Association, Dr. Andrew Gurman, explained, “These seven health recommendations will help people start the year off on the right foot by helping them determine where they can make the most impactful, long-lasting improvements in their health.”
Here are the healthy New Year resolutions recommended by the AMA. Continue reading…

Healthy lifestyle tied to reduced risk of heart disease

We know that healthy habits are essential for overall good health, and new research says this can keep our hearts happy.

Published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, research suggests seniors—those over 65—who partake in healthy habits (drinking in moderation, exercise and not smoking) can reduce their risk of heart failure.


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Heart failure refers to the heart’s inability to pump blood properly throughout the body.

The study was conducted with 4,490 men and women age 65 and over. Prior to the study, the participants showed no signs of heart failure. Continue reading…

Related: Many Americans not living a healthy lifestyle


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