Home remedies to soothe your psoriasis

Home remedies for psoriasisPsoriasis is a skin disorder that causes the epidermis to become covered in raised, red, itchy plaques that are spotted with white scales. It most commonly occurs on the knees, elbows, and scalp, but may also affect your torso, palms, and the soles of your feet. These plaques are sometimes itchy and painful, and may even crack and bleed, making the condition both uncomfortable and unsightly. While there are medications available to help soothe the symptoms of psoriasis, some may prefer a simpler home remedy. Continue reading to discover some of the most common and effective home remedies for treating psoriasis.

Heavy cream. Use a thick moisturizer or petroleum jelly to lock in moisture to the affected areas. Hydrating your skin with a heavy-duty salve can help relieve the itchiness associated with dry, scaly patches.


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Apple cider vinegar. If your scalp is affected by psoriasis, you may be wary of slathering a cream over it for fear of making your hair limp and greasy. So long as the skin of your scalp is not bleeding or cracked, you can rub apple cider vinegar over it to soothe the itch. This is best done before a shower, as once the vinegar dries, you should rinse it out to avoid any further irritation.

Sun. The sun’s rays can actually help fight psoriasis, so head out into the sunshine for a few minutes daily and get your fill. Be sure to use sunscreen on the areas of your body not affected by the skin disorder to prevent sun damage that may lead to skin cancer.

Epsom salts. Sprinkle some Epsom salts into a warm bath and soak for about 15 minutes. The salts will help rid your body of the silvery scales and soothe any itching. Pat yourself dry after stepping out of the tub and be sure to moisturize in order to lock in all that moisture and keep your skin hydrated.

Oats. An oat bath is also a great way to soothe dry, itchy skin. Mix some ground-up oats into your warm bath water, then relax in the tub and let this natural remedy work its magic. Just as you would after an Epsom salt bath, ensure you moisturize afterward to seal in the hydration.

Meditation and yoga. Stress can exacerbate your condition, so partaking in activities like yoga and meditation to help manage it may also reduce your symptoms. This is especially true for those with psoriatic arthritis, as yoga can help alleviate your joint pain and reduce itchy flare ups.
Wrap it up. For a particularly dry and itchy patch, you may want to lock in moisture overnight while you sleep. To do so, apply a generous amount of moisturizer to the affected area, then wrap it with plastic wrap. Finally, put a tight piece of clothing over top like a glove or sock and go to bed. The moisture will be sealed in overnight and leave your skin feeling softer and less irritated in the morning.


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Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera gel is a go-to to soothe sunburns, but its cooling and anti-inflammatory properties have also been found to ease the symptoms of psoriasis. The gel can help reduce redness and get rid of the irritating itch.

Psoriasis is an irritating condition that leaves your skin sore and itchy, and while there are some medications on the market to help treat it, there are also a few tried and true home remedies to ease your symptoms. Next time you experience a flare-up, try reaching for the apple cider vinegar or Epsom salts to rid yourself of the discomfort, and be sure to moisturize your skin daily.

Related: Psoriasis diet: What foods to eat and what foods to avoid?

Author Bio

picture for presentation purpose 2Emily Lunardo studied medical sociology at York University with a strong focus on the social determinants of health and mental illness. She is a registered Zumba instructor, as well as a Canfit Pro trainer, who teaches fitness classes on a weekly basis. Emily practices healthy habits in her own life as well as helps others with their own personal health goals. Emily joined Bel Marra Health as a health writer in 2013.


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Treating psoriasis reduces risk of other ailments: Study


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