6 Natural Remedies, Lifestyle Tips, and Symptoms of Hearing Loss You Should Never Ignore

Ear of a senior manWhen we think about our ears, we usually focus on their ability to hear. But aside from this main function, how they look can reveal certain things about our health.

Hearing quality, the appearance of our ears, wax production, and balance regulation offer essential insights into our overall health. Recognizing these signs and symptoms is necessary to better understand what’s happening inside our bodies.

6 Things Your Ears Reveal About Your Health


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Diabetes: Hearing loss, although a condition on its own, can also be a symptom of diabetes. Hearing loss has been found to be twice as common in diabetics compared to people without diabetes. Pre-diabetics also have a 30 percent higher risk of hearing loss than people with normal blood sugar levels. The connection may be explained by the available blood circulation to the ear – which is impacted in diabetes.

Clogged arteries: If your earlobes have a diagonal crease, it could be a sign of clogged arteries and an indicator of heart disease. One study found that patients with diagonal earlobe creases are far more likely to show heart disease signs than individuals without wrinkled earlobes.

Oral health problems: Ear pain could be a sign of issues occurring in the mouth. Ear pain can actually result from problems in the jaw, in particular, a disorder that affects the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This pain can occur when chewing, talking, or even opening your mouth widely.

Underlying health condition: Ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus, can actually be a symptom of over 200 different conditions, including anxiety, blood pressure issues, depression, and more. If tinnitus is temporary, you may not have to worry, but if the problem is chronic, you may want to book an appointment with your doctor to see what is going on.

Allergies: Itchy, clogged, or swelling ears could be another allergy symptom because the nose and ears are connected by the Eustachian tube. When your nose gets congested, you can also experience symptoms in the ears. A decongestant can commonly fix these problems.

Increased risk of illness: Earwax may be a predictor of illness, according to research studies. One study found an association between the mutation of ABCC11 gene – associated with an increased risk of breast cancer – and wet, sticky earwax. Although earwax isn’t commonly associated with disease diagnosis, if it is green or has a weird smell, then it could indicate an ear infection.

Natural Remedies to Improve Hearing Loss


Echinacea is a plant commonly found in North America. Several studies show it can prevent or treat infections, including the common cold and other ailments! It’s also worth noting echinacea has previously shown some effectiveness against hearing loss when taken orally.


Ginger has been used as a natural remedy for centuries and is often considered to be one of the world’s most versatile spices. It is a herb that can help prevent infections in the inner ear and the nerve cells responsible for relaying sound waves to the brain.


If you’re looking for a natural way to help combat hearing loss, turmeric might be just what your ears need. This spice has been shown repeatedly as being loaded with potassium – which scientists have determined helps maintain healthy cells in the body’s eardrum! Alongside this amazing property comes it’s the ability to repair potential damage done by free radicals or other environmental factors.

Apple cider

The health benefits of apple cider vinegar are many and varied, but one that stands out is its ability to help with hearing problems. It is rich in magnesium which helps keep the body’s cells agile for improved communication between them through blood vessels or nerve endings on hairs cells.


A recent study from the Hough Ear Institute found that antioxidant treatment could reduce cochlear damage and hearing loss administered shortly after exposure to loud noises. These antioxidants can be found in onions which means they can be used as a natural remedy for ear problems due to trauma and air pressure changes.

Table salt

A popular home remedy for earaches and ear infections is a salt poultice. Using warm salt to pull out excess fluid in the ear can help alleviate pain.

Lifestyle Tips to Improve Hearing Loss

Avoid Smoking

There’s a new reason to quit smoking: Research indicates that it can more than double your risk of hearing loss. This is because blood flow and oxygen are crucial for maintaining healthy cells in the inner ear, which become hindered by nicotine or carbon monoxide inhalation from cigarettes. Smoking also irritates lining the middle ear as well as disrupting its normal function over time

Ear Exercises

When you listen, it’s not just your ears that are working. The brain is also processing what they hear, which can be a crucial skill for people who want to understand the thoughts or feelings of others better when talking with them.

One could do many exercises to strengthen these hearing comprehension skills to not miss any important information from another person. One easy exercise includes going into nature and listening for the small sounds that are usually considered background noises. This simple exercise can help to attune your focus and hearing ability.

Beware Of Excessive Buildup of Ear Wax


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Ear wax is a natural defense mechanism that protects the inside of your ears from foreign particles, bacteria, and infection. It’s secreted by glands located in our outer reaches to keep things like dust or water out when we’re exposed for long periods at work/playtime; however, if there is too much buildup, it can cause mild hearing loss as well discomfort. Due to its sticky texture against skin cells, it can create an environment where infection thrives best.

Reduce Exposure to Loud Noise

We all love turning up our favorite song on the radio, but it could be doing damage to your hearing. The best way to protect your ears from loud noise is by maintaining a low volume. If you are watching TV, listening to music, or podcasts with the sound on at high volumes for long periods of time, it can cause injury and even lead to tinnitus (a ringing in one’s ear). Be aware of the volume at all times. A simple way to measure your audio is by using an app that can record the decibels in your environment.

Properly Clean Ears

The most common misconception about the hygiene of our ears is that you should use a cotton swab to remove earwax. Using these can easily push wax further into your canal, which could cause infection, so don’t do it! A small amount of natural earwax is perfectly fine, and the ears will clean themselves, meaning it will push any excess wax up into the ear, which can then be washed away with water while in the shower.


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