These two tricks can improve your vision

Food and Nutrition Can Improve Your VisionYour eyes are your windows to the world, and like all windows, they are subject to fogging… as such, they need constant maintenance. However, that’s where the similarities end. While window panes can become squeaky clean and absolutely clear with a bit of Windex and a thorough rub-down, your eyes are a bit more complicated.

Caring for our eyes starts at a young age with good nutrition. Foods such as carrots, berries, and nuts provide plenty of vitamin and antioxidant support for the eyes.


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While nutrition continues to play a very important role in eye health (if you are not getting enough eye health support from your diet, you should supplement it), many health-conscious people are exploring all sorts of other options like yoga, detox diets, fruit cleanses, and eye exercises in an effort to boost eye health.

A new trend in vision support?

In fact, nutrition’s spot as the main supporter of eye health is being seriously challenged by eye exercises—an online search about nutrition and eye health found more than 10 million results, while a search on exercise and eye health produced more than 11 million results.

This sudden interest could be attributed to all the videos, blogs, and other internet outlets talking about the various exercise regimens that claim to strengthen eye muscles, improve focus and eye movement, and stimulate the vision center of the brain.

While there may not be any harm in trying these exercise routines, the truth is, there is no scientific proof that they will improve your vision. And even if they do, there is no proof that the exercises themselves were the cause of the improvement.

Another problem with some eye exercises is that if you are suffering from conditions like cataracts, blindness in one or both eyes, or are recovering from a cornea injury, they can do more harm than good.

No wonder most ophthalmologists and optometrists advise you to be wary of exercises that claim they will help you “throw away your glasses.”

Eating for your eyes

Unfortunately, your eye health won’t wait around for science to determine the effectiveness of eye exercises. Your best bet is to couple the exercises with eye nutrients that have been proven to work.

Leafy green vegetables like kale are high in important nutrients found in healthy eyes. These nutrients have been associated with a lowered risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

Antioxidant-rich, brightly-colored fruit and vegetables reduce the risk of age-related eye diseases by protecting our eyes against damage caused by free radicals. For example, orange and yellow vegetables such as carrots and squash, as well as oranges and other citrus fruit, peaches, red peppers, and tomatoes are all great options worth stocking up on.


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Eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines also helps lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

As you can see, when it comes to eye health, food can play a huge role in keeping you ahead of the game. But if you want to be trendy, go ahead and try those popular eye exercises.

Even if you notice a little improvement, please don’t throw away your glasses, and keep eating the good stuff.


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Related Reading:

Age-related vision changes: Presbyopia, cataracts, AMD, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy

Diabetes and eye disease: How diabetes affects vision and eye health


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