5 surprising fixes for a leaky bladder

leaky-bladderOveractive bladder is a common complaint among older adults. In this condition, the storage function of the bladder becomes impaired, resulting in a sudden urge to urinate. In some cases, the urge may be so strong that it can result in leaks before you can reach the bathroom – this is known as incontinence.

Overactive bladder can be an embarrassing condition to live with, especially when leaks occur. It can prevent you from living the life you want to live, because you are always worrying about locating the nearest bathroom.


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If you are plagued by bladder leaks, you will definitely want to try some of the natural remedies below in order to better control your bladder.

Fixes for bladder leaks

Lifestyle changes: Lifestyle changes can go a long way in treating your overactive bladder. Avoid drinking fluid prior to bed and cut back on alcoholic and caffeinated beverages. You may notice some foods may also aggravate your condition, so having a bladder diary is a good way to keep track of which foods cause a reaction.

Bladder exercises: Kegel exercises can be easily completed any time or any place as they are super discreet. All you have to do is tighten your pelvic floor muscles as if you are holding in urine. Hold for a few seconds, release, and repeat. No one will know you’re working on your pelvic muscles.
Nerve stimulation: Doctors can stimulate the posterior tibial nerve, located just above the ankle, as a means of improving overactive bladder. A very fine needle is inserted next to the nerve for 30 minutes over the course of 12 weeks. If successful, this treatment can be carried out for additional weeks. The only downside to this treatment is the frequent doctor’s visits, but other than that, there are very minimal side effects reported.

Botox injections: You may have heard of Botox injections for correcting fine lines and wrinkles, but those same injections can actually work to improve an overactive bladder, too. The doctor injects Botox into specific areas of the bladder in order to strengthen it. The procedure is quite quick, only lasting between five and 10 minutes. It needs to be conducted just twice a year, and only eight percent of patients experience complications from it.

Medication: If other procedures don’t work, medications may offer relief for an overactive bladder. There may be some side effects, so it is up to you to decide whether these side effects are worth it if the medications help the bladder. Speak to your doctor about any possible medications you can take for your overactive bladder relief.

You don’t need to live with an overactive bladder, but you do need to talk to your doctor about it. The more your doctor knows about your condition the more informed decision they can make with regards to the treatment.


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Related Reading:

Overactive bladder diet: Foods and drinks to manage bladder health

Natural bladder supplements: Herbal remedies for overactive bladder


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