Having a Hard Time with Your New Running Regimen? Here Are Some Ways to Make It Easier

The warmer temperatures reintroduce so many things you may have forgotten about: colors, insects, birds’ chirping, and allergies, are a few. And running, of course.

These days, the streets are filled with them. Everyone is seizing the opportunity to get outside and get fit, and running can be a great way to do that. But it certainly isn’t easy.


In fact, it feels like a bunch of the runners out there are struggling through their exercise.

Nobody said a run was going to be easy, but making it as easy as possible, especially for somebody who’s just getting into it, is very important for adherence and making sure all the benefits are realized.

One of the most significant rewards of running is seeing progress. Greater strength and stamina make your runs easier, longer, and more beneficial. Outside of good running technique, here are some ways to make those first few runs a little easier:

Sleep: A good night’s sleep means your body is well-rested and in good shape to perform. Sleep is when your body heals and repairs itself, so it’s ready for the next day. If you’re skimping on sleep, you’re far more likely to feel pain or discomfort.

Deep Breaths: Breathing plays a big role in running. You want to take in enough oxygen to keep your muscles energized throughout the run. Deep breathing, or belly breaths, can help.


You can practice belly breathing by lying faceup on your belly button with one hand. As you inhale, expand your belly to pull more air down into the lower part of your lungs. Your hand should rise as this happens. When you let it out, contract your belly and push the air out as your hand comes down. Practice this two or three times per day for at least ten breaths.

Monitor Pacing: Remember to listen to your body. If you’re out of breath or feeling pain or discomfort, slow it down to a walk. If you start feeling better, pick up the pace again.

Use Music: Play some music at a safe volume so you can still hear potential threats like cars to help you get going. Start with slower songs as you warm up that ultimately build in pace for the middle of your run before slowing down again as you come to an end.

Author Bio

About eight years ago, Mat Lecompte had an epiphany. He’d been ignoring his health and suddenly realized he needed to do something about it. Since then, through hard work, determination and plenty of education, he has transformed his life. He’s changed his body composition by learning the ins and outs of nutrition, exercise, and fitness and wants to share his knowledge with you. Starting as a journalist over 10 years ago, Mat has not only honed his belief system and approach with practical experience, but he has also worked closely with nutritionists, dieticians, athletes, and fitness professionals. He embraces natural healing methods and believes that diet, exercise and willpower are the foundation of a healthy, happy, and drug-free existence.

