Author Archives : Bel Marra Health


This Habit Is Putting Your Veins at Risk

Smoking is bad. You know this, I know this, the entire world knows this. And yet, each year over seven million people die as a result of their smoking habit. Smoking is bad for all areas of health. This article will highlight the specific dangers that smoking has on your vascular system, which includes your here to read more

Simple Solution to Relieving Bladder Pain

A common symptom related to urinary tract infections (UTIs) is pain. Even after the UTI is treated, some patients may still experience urinary pain and other problems known as interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome. This condition may be caused by inflammation and the nerve-endings in the bladder become over-sensitive. Because there are several different here to read more


Weekly Health News: Sigmoid Colon Pain, Soleus Muscle Pain, Partial Bowel Obstruction, Angina vs. Heart Attack

Another week, and it’s time for your weekly health news. This week we feature articles on sigmoid colon pain, partial bowel obstruction, the difference between angina and heart attack, and yoga poses for a healthy liver. Extracts from the articles are as follows: Sigmoid Colon Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Sigmoid colon pain can be here to read more

Erectile Dysfunction Update: Exercises for Erectile Dysfunction, Natural Remedies for ED, Essential Oils for ED

Erectile dysfunction, or impotence, is highly prevalent. According to the Massachusetts Male Aging Society, the prevalence of ED increases with age. An estimated 40 percent of men at the age 40 are affected by this condition, and the rate increases with age to nearly 70 percent at the age of 70. Some of the significant here to read more

How old is your heart?

A study from Public Health England found that one in 10 men over the age of 50 have a heart that is 10 years older than their actual age. In the U.S., one in three deaths is attributed to cardiovascular disease. Every 40 seconds, one American dies as a result of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease here to read more

Purple Day for Epilepsy: Epilepsy Diagnosis, Epilepsy and Brain Volume, Nocturnal and Complex Partial Seizures

Epilepsy, characterized by seizures, is a neurological condition and is the fourth most common type of neurological disorder. It affects people irrespective of their ages. Purple day is held on March 26th every year to spread awareness of this neurological condition worldwide. An estimated 50 million people have epilepsy worldwide, and 50 percent of these here to read more
