Author Archives : Bel Marra Health


Restless leg syndrome update: RLS causes, essential oils for restless legs syndrome, cardiovascular risk

As many as one in 10 Americans suffer from a condition called restless leg syndrome, with women being about twice as likely to develop the condition compared to men. We at Bel Marra feel this condition should be covered more extensively, so we have many restless leg syndrome articles in this roundup. You will find here to read more

Akinesia: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Akinsesia is a word that means “lacking movement” or “without movement,” but essentially, it is a motor disorder. Here we outline the different causes, symptoms and potential treatments of this often neurologically based condition. Akinesia is a word that is made up of the prefix “a,” which means without, and the Greek word “kinesis,” meaning here to read more


Is this the worst diet for your bones?

Diet can play a very large role in the health of our bones, with the most important diet staple being calcium. Calcium is an essential nutrient to promote strong bones. Calcium is highest in dairy products such as milk, ice cream, and yogurt, for example. The problem is dairy products are a byproduct of animals, here to read more

What causes low cholesterol? Health risks, symptoms, and treatment of hypocholesterolemia

Low cholesterol or hypocholesterolemia is something we don’t hear a lot about. Cholesterol, of course, is that fatty substance that can clog arteries and lead to heart attack or stroke when levels are high; however, low cholesterol can also be a health hazard. When cholesterol levels are high, it can interfere with blood flow, causing here to read more

New discovery may change the way high cholesterol is managed in the future

Being diagnosed with high cholesterol can mean a big adjustment for a person’s life. Having to continually watch what you eat, be concerned about heart health, and to always take your medicine can be disheartening and quite annoying. Scientists from the Houston Methodist Research Institute have made a breakthrough discovery that could be the key here to read more
