Author Archives : Dr. Victor Marchione


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Cholesterol Deposits in and around the Eyes (Xanthelasma): Causes and Natural Remedies

Cholesterol deposits around the eyes are a sign of high cholesterol. The condition is also referred to as xanthelasma. Although cholesterol deposits around the eyes may not always signify high cholesterol, it’s still important to check your blood as many other conditions cite this as a symptom. Cholesterol deposits around the eyes do not cause here to read more

Benign fasciculation syndrome (muscle twitch) symptoms, causes and natural treatment

Benign fasciculation syndrome (muscle twitch) is a neurological disorder that affects parts of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Neurological disorders in general can be mild or quite severe, depending on their cause. In some cases, neurological disorders are not associated with another condition. In benign fasciculation syndrome, the muscles rapidly contract and relax, causing here to read more


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