Author Archives : Dr. Victor Marchione


Our noses are helping us survive

Humans have developed a host of defenses to keep us away from potential harms. When we fall, we instinctually put our arms in front of us to help cushion the impact. We recoil in disgust when we smell rotten food, which keeps us from eating it. These are just some of the attributes of the here to read more


New treatments for antibiotic-resistant bacteria discovered by combining ineffective antibiotics

The world is filled with many dangers and hazards that affect a person’s life. Contracting a deadly infection or suffering from an unavoidable accident can quickly cause a person’s demise. While advances in modern medicine have mitigated these hazards to a certain degree, certain threats evolve over time. Bacteria resistant to antibacterial medication has become here to read more

Antibiotic may protect brain cells against Parkinson’s disease: Study

It is easy to recognize someone with Parkinson’s disease. They often have a noticeable tremor, a shuffling gait, and move very slowly. Parkinson’s is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects nearly one million Americans. The older demographic typically has Parkinson’s, with the average age of developing being 60. The disease has no cure, here to read more

Cholesterol and memory: Is your cholesterol affecting your memory?

When cholesterol is discussed, we often think about the heart, heart disease, and stroke, but memory and cognitive function don’t generally cross our minds even though they should. New research from Heidelberg University in Germany found that having high cholesterol can negatively affect memory and cognitive decline in aging. Cholesterol is naturally produced by the here to read more
