Author Archives : Dr. Victor Marchione


Advances in bone fracture treatment may utilize gene therapy

Breaking a bone is usually not a big deal when you’re young or middle-aged, as it’ll heal quickly and without complication. For seniors, however, this isn’t the case, as every single accident leading to broken bones can spell permanent disability, complications, or death. However, advances in modern medicine may prevent the elderly from facing such here to read more


New research may explain the reasons behind normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease

The most common neurodegenerative disease and source of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. The condition is often associated with clumps of protein called beta amyloid that aggregate in the brain, leading to symptoms of memory loss and other cognitive deficits. These clumps are created due to misfolded proteins that have lost the elaborate shape that dictates here to read more

Aspirin for Afib found to be ineffective and increase risk for bleeding disorders: Study

The heart is one of our most important organs, so it makes sense that diseases affecting it are the leading cause of death in America. Normally, the heart contracts in a rhythmic fashion to propel oxygenated blood through the atrial system, but in some individuals, the heart beats irregularly, leading to an insufficient amount of here to read more
