Best Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy

liver tipsLiver disease is on the rise worldwide and more often than not, it’s detected when it has progressed to serious stages.

Previously, the leading cause of liver disease was alcohol abuse, but nowadays, obesity is becoming the leading problem contributing to liver disease.


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Obesity affects the liver because fat permeates it, causing it to malfunction. Over time, cirrhosis of the liver can occur, which leads to irreversible scarring. When cirrhosis progresses, liver failure can ensue and without a transplant, death becomes inevitable.

Your liver performs over 500 functions, so it’s an important organ in the body. By following these tips, you can better protect your liver.

Tips to Protect Your Liver

Maintain a healthy weight: As mentioned, obesity is a large factor for liver disease, so maintaining a healthy weight is vital to protect your liver.

Monitor your alcohol intake: Alcohol is difficult for your liver to break down and binge-drinking can make your liver very sick. Moderate your consumption to protect your liver.

Drink coffee: Studies have shown that consuming coffee offers protective effects to the liver.

Exercise: Regular exercise not only helps you maintain your weight but keeps all your organs and bodily functions running smoothly, including your liver.

Prevent your risk of hepatitis: Hepatitis is another large cause of liver disease, so you will want to make sure you reduce your risk of contracting it. Always practice safe sex, don’t share needles, don’t get a tattoo at an unclean place, and avoid contact with blood.

Eat more broccoli: Broccoli is a superfood for your liver. Studies have shown long-term consumption of broccoli could prevent fat build-up in the liver.


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Reduce your intake of painkillers: Painkillers, like alcohol, are difficult for your liver to break down, and abusing painkillers or taking them regularly can contribute to liver disease and damage.

Eat well: Skip the liver detox and instead just stick to a healthy diet. Avoid processed foods, saturated and trans-fats, sugary foods, and fatty foods.

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Author Bio

picture for presentation purpose 2Emily Lunardo studied medical sociology at York University with a strong focus on the social determinants of health and mental illness. She is a registered Zumba instructor, as well as a Canfit Pro trainer, who teaches fitness classes on a weekly basis. Emily practices healthy habits in her own life as well as helps others with their own personal health goals. Emily joined Bel Marra Health as a health writer in 2013.


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