Articles Related To Mental Health.



Category Archives: Mental Health

Cognitive dysfunction in chronic fatigue syndrome, molecular pattern discovered, hopes for improved diagnosis and treatment

A molecular pattern has been discovered with regards to cognitive dysfunction in chronic fatigue syndrome, giving hope for improved diagnosis and treatment. The researchers uncovered a unique pattern of immune molecules in the cerebrospinal fluid in people with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). This discovery provides insight into the basis for cognitive dysfunction – also here to read more

Why the winter is giving you the blues

The days are shorter, the temperature is dropping, and there is plenty of white fluffy stuff flying around – yup, it must be winter! Some people love this season because it’s a time to cuddle, play winter sports, and celebrate the holidays. But for others, winter doesn’t bring just lower temperatures, it also brings low here to read more

Social anxiety disorders: Cognitive therapy most effective treatment for social phobia

When dealing with social anxiety disorders, cognitive therapy has been found to be the most effective treatment. Current treatment isn’t very effective, which led researchers to explore other treatment and therapy options that could work better for social phobia cases. The researchers studied the effects of talk therapy and medications on patients with social phobia here to read more


Social media good for mental health but may lead to depression

Social media may be good for mental health, but may also lead to depression, according to research findings. The researchers reviewed 70 studies that examined the relationship between social networking and depression, anxiety, and well-being. The review demonstrated that social media is an effective way of staying connected with others. It also may be a here to read more

Cognitive impairment risk in older adults increased with living in a high-pollution environment: Study

An increased risk of cognitive impairment in older adults has been associated with living in a high-pollution environment. There is a strong push towards reducing air pollution as it is linked to numerous health problems such as heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes, to name a few. More recent findings suggest that air pollution can here to read more

Sundown syndrome: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Sundowning, commonly seen in dementia patients, refers to behavioral changes that take place in the evening when the sun sets. Patients may become more agitated, aggressive, or confused as the night approaches. This is often seen in more severe cases of dementia. Sundowning, or sundown syndrome may be a result of disturbances to the patient’s here to read more

Schizophrenia symptoms significantly lower with aerobic exercise: Study

Schizophrenia symptoms are significantly lower with aerobic exercise, according to study findings. The researchers combined data from 10 independent clinical trials with a total of 385 schizophrenia patients. The researchers found that just 12 weeks of aerobic exercise is enough to improve symptoms in schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia patients may experience memory problems, impaired information processing, here to read more

Pets can help manage mental illness

Pets have been found to help aid in mental illness management based on research findings. Researchers from the U.K. surveyed over 50 adults with long-term mental illness to uncover the role which pets play. The responses unveiled that 60 percent of respondents placed pets in the central and most important circle – above family, friends here to read more

Severe depression and anxiety can be lowered with yoga breathing exercises: Study

Millions of Americans suffer from severe depression or anxiety, and while some people have turned to antidepressants to help quell the symptoms, we have learned that yoga breathing exercises can be effective for some people. Antidepressants were discovered by accident back in the 1950s when scientists were searching for a schizophrenia treatment. They found that here to read more

Colonic diverticular disease patients can be at risk for dementia: Study

Colonic diverticular disease patients can be at risk for dementia, according to research findings. The scientists analyzed data from 66,377 patients with colonic diverticular disease and 265,508 patients without the condition. Cases of dementia were identified between 2000 and 2011. During the follow-up period, there were 1,057 dementia cases reported in the colonic diverticular group. here to read more