Articles Related To Mental Health.



Category Archives: Mental Health

Why Your Toothache Is Making Your Life Miserable

Depression has been tied to a variety of physical ailments, from sleep problems to weight loss and weight gain. But when was the last time you paid your dentist a visit? New research adds another potential link to depression: Dental trouble. Problems like cavities and gum disease often are associated with bio-social conditions like depression here to read more


Detect Depression Early To Save Your Heart

Eat breakfast. Drink water. Exercise. Healthy lifestyle habits do plenty to keep your heart strong. New research shows that heart-healthy habits will also help you respond better to treatment for depression. In today’s society, depression is very common, affecting more than 350 million people worldwide. Numerous studies have found that depression is a major risk here to read more

Is Your Pet Making You Crazy?

Has your husband been acting a little odd lately? Driving too fast, changing car lanes aggressively and cutting people off more so than usual? Is he more openly hostile than ever before, while at the same time more sullen and introverted, cutting himself off from friends and family? It could be your cat. That’s right. here to read more

Call For Help: Mental Illness Rising In Older Adults

Don’t call me crazy! There’s a stigma surrounding mental health issues, like depression, phobias and obsessive compulsive disorder, that prevents people from asking for help. That has to change. When it comes to people affected by cancer or heart disease, statistics are easy to find. Mental illness, though, is not so clear-cut, but numbers appear here to read more

Ketamine: The New Antidepressant?

Traditionally used in human and veterinary medicine, the drug, ketamine, now promises to be a fast, effective treatment of depression in patients unresponsive to other medications. New research conducted by Japan’s RIKENCenter for Life Science Technologies – and published in the journal Translational Psychiatry – reveals that ketamine works by boosting serotonin in the parts of the brain here to read more

Post-holiday Depression: The Truth About SAD

Holidays can be so joyful. They are full of celebration, beautiful décor, reunions with family and friends; not to mention the delicious variety of foods and gift-giving that comes along with them. However, when the music stops, the family and friends go home, and it’s time to put those festive decorations away and go on here to read more

Vitamin D: The New Brain Vitamin

Vitamin D is known to increase bone strength by improving your body’s ability to absorb calcium. However, that isn’t the only trick up the sunshine vitamin’s sleeve. New research has shown that vitamin D can actually fight depression, and reduce pain in type 2 diabetic women experiencing depression. RELATED READING: Why your Multivitamin Isn’t Giving here to read more