Articles Related To Mental Health.



Category Archives: Mental Health

Being More Flexible with People with Chronic Pain Promotes Their Mental Health: Study

Dealing with chronic pain can be incredibly challenging, and it may seem impossible to find ways for it not to impact your mental health. However, a recent study has suggested that being flexible when dealing with people suffering from chronic pain could be key to promoting their mental health. By making accommodations where possible to here to read more

Food Insecurity in Older Adults Accelerate Cognitive Decline: Study

Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for helping to keep cognitive decline away. Unfortunately, many older adults experience food insecurity, which can greatly impact their cognitive abilities. Research has found that compared to older adults who are food secure, those who experience food insecurity show a more significant cognitive decline over time. Understanding the consequences here to read more

Lack of Sleep May Cause Long Term Health Risks: Study

Do you find yourself getting less than the recommended amount of sleep? If so, listen up! Lack of sleep may be causing more harm to your body than you realize—from making you more prone to illness to dramatically increasing your risk for diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, respiratory conditions, and cardiovascular diseases. In this blog post, we’ll here to read more

Sleep is Central to Mental Health in Aging Women

Ladies, it is increasingly important to focus on good sleep as you get older. New research shows it could greatly impact mood and mental health. A recent study found that older women who don’t stick to a sleep-and-wake schedule may be more likely to struggle with feelings of depression and anxiety, even if they are here to read more


The Snow-Covered Landscape Can Be Good for You

You may look outside at the snow-covered landscape and decide you’re good right where you are: indoors and warm. But you might be wrong. Plenty of research shows that spending time in green spaces or by the ocean can benefit physical and psychological health. But now there is data to suggest that snowy environments offer here to read more