Coffee Consumption Can Lower Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease among Those with Type 2 Diabetes

Breakfast with coffee and croissants.If you are someone with type 2 diabetes and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) who uses coffee to power through your days, you will want to keep reading.

New research suggests that curling up with a cup of joe may be more than just an energy boost — studies have shown that drinking coffee can actually be beneficial for those with type 2 diabetes and NAFLD. That’s right — good news for all the diabetics who are also addicted to the taste of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe or Kenyan AA. So, grab yourself a cup; you might lower your liver disease risk!


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an important health issue affecting nearly one-third of America’s population. It occurs when excess fat accumulates in the liver without any consumption of alcohol. It is often the result of an unhealthy lifestyle with a high-calorie diet and little exercise.

NAFLD is a condition that can be present with no outward symptoms but poses significant health concerns. While it was previously considered an issue faced primarily by adults, evidence now suggests it appears to be on the rise among children and teens due to increasing rates of obesity. When non-alcoholic fatty liver disease goes unrecognized or untreated, it can lead to serious complications such as cirrhosis of the liver and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).

The new study by the University of Coimbra, published in Nutrients, surveyed 156 middle-aged borderline-obese people. Of the participants, 98 had T2D and were required to provide 24-hour urine samples, which were used to measure caffeine and non-caffeine metabolites. This analysis measured the natural products of the body breaking down coffee.
The study showed that caffeine intake was associated with decreased liver fibrosis in those with NAFLD and other chronic liver conditions. Researchers suggest that coffee components, including polyphenols, can also help reduce oxidative stress in the liver, reducing the risk of fibrosis and improving glucose homeostasis in healthy and overweight subjects. The study noted that all of these factors could also alleviate the severity of type 2 diabetes.

The author of the study, John Griffith Jones, Ph.D., concluded the study by saying, “Due to changes in modern diet and lifestyle, there is an increase in obesity rates and incidence of both T2D and NAFLD, which can ultimately develop into more severe and irreversible conditions, burdening health care systems. Our research is the first to observe that higher cumulative amounts of both caffeine and non-caffeine metabolites in urine are associated with reduced severity of NAFLD in overweight people with T2D.”

Support and Maximize Health


As one of the most important organs in the human body, the liver works 24 hours a day to produce and process many of the chemicals the body requires. It processes over 500 functions, including hormone production, bile secretion, and converting sugars into glycogen.

Liver Rescue is a formula designed to support and maximize the performance of a healthy liver through its seven ingredients. These powerful ingredients can help fight free radicals, improve bile production, remove toxins, and give your liver the support it deserves.

Healthy Blood Sugar Support can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels using a number of ingredients that have been shown in clinical studies. The health benefits of this unique formula include supporting blood-sugar metabolism and promoting healthy cholesterol and glucose levels already within the normal range. Healthy Blood Sugar Support can also help to reduce excessive hunger or increased appetite, fatigue, and blood glucose spikes after meals.

Author Bio

Sarah began her interest in nutritional healing at an early age. After going through health problems and becoming frustrated with the conventional ways doctors wanted to treat her illness (which were not working), she took it upon herself to find alternative treatments. This led her to revolutionize her own diet to help her get healthier and tackle her health problems. She began treating her illness by living a more balanced lifestyle through healthy food choices, exercise and other alternative medicine such as meditation. This total positive lifestyle change led her to earn a diploma in Nutritional Therapy from Health Sciences Academy in London, England. Today, Sarah enjoys helping others by teaching healthy lifestyle changes through her personal consultations and with her regular contributions to the Doctors Health Press. Also, passionate about following her dreams in life, Sarah moved to France and lived in Paris for over 5 years where she earned a certification in beadwork and embroidery from Lesage (an atelier owned by Chanel). She then went on to be a familiar face sitting front row and reporting from Paris Fashion Week. Sarah continues to practice some of the cultural ways of life she learned while in Europe. They enjoy their food, and take the time to relax and enjoy many of life’s little moments. These are life lessons she is glad to have brought back home with her.

