4 common medical myths busted
Myth 1: Incontinence is part of aging
Incontinence is a result of weak bladder muscles, and this can occur at any age. Other factors for incontinence include being overweight, having a child or having a medical condition. In either case, incontinence is not a result of aging.
If you are concerned about incontinence, keep your bladder muscles strong by practicing Kegels. To complete these exercises, contract your bladder muscles as you would to hold in urine. Hold this position and release. This is an easy exercise that be done anywhere at any time, so why not boost your bladder muscles every day?
Myth 2: We all possess cancer cells
These mutations in cells, which can be inherited from parents, are more commonly acquired through lifestyle habits and environmental factors. Additionally, each cell goes through a process where it determines if it is healthy and should divide. Cancer can occur when unhealthy cells divide. This is an error that happens within a cell’s lifecycle, not necessarily something we are born with.
Myth 3: Heart attacks are always associated with chest pains
Although a common symptom of heart attack is chest pain, don’t be surprised if this symptom doesn’t occur. In fact, many people can develop other symptoms – shortness of breath, back pain – without ever experiencing chest pains. It’s important to know other symptoms of a heart attack. If you don’t experience the chest pain you may end up with a deadly heart attack because you ignored the other signs and symptoms.
Myth 4: We all need eight hours of sleep
Seven to eight hours has been shown to be ideal for sleep, but don’t think you’re abnormal if you get in less. Many people can function with less sleep. On the other hand, if you find you can’t sleep, you should speak with a doctor. It’s possible there’s another issue that may be hindering your ability to sleep.
These are just four common health myths that you might have heard. Some may impact our health and others should just be stopped in their tracks. So the next time you get the latest scoop on health news, try to validate the source.
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