What Is Dry Needling, and Should You Try It?

Written by Devon Andre
Published on

dry needlingHave you ever heard of dry needling? If not, no worries, we’ll explain what it is.

Dry needling is used to relieve pain and improve mobility issues.

The technique involves a “dry” needle – meaning there is no medication on it – being inserted into the muscle.

Dry needling may also be referred to as intramuscular therapy or trigger-point dry needling.

If you think that dry needling sounds like acupuncture, there are some differences between the two.

Acupuncture stems from ancient Chinese medicine and is performed by an acupuncturist. Dry needling is performed by a physical therapist and is commonly used in Western society. There is also much research to support that dry needling is effective at reducing muscle pain.

Needles are inserted into trigger points, which are located within larger muscle groups. A trigger point may be a sensitive area for a patient and can cause pain or discomfort.

The goal of dry needling is to release or inactivate trigger points as a means to reduce and relieve pain or improve range of motion. Research studies on dry needling have shown it can improve muscle pain, reduce muscle tension, and normalize dysfunctions of the motor endplates.

If you’re looking for an alternative to painkillers, dry needling may be something worth looking into. As mentioned, physical therapists can perform dry needling to help you reduce pain and increase mobility.

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