
Category Archives: Eye Health

Giant cell arteritis: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Giant cell or temporal arteritis is the most common type of vasculitis disorder and is characterized by inflammation of the lining of the arteries, particularly of temple arteries found in the head. The condition often results in headaches, scalp tenderness, jaw pain, and vision problems. If the condition is not properly treated in time, blindness here to read more

Your eyes are the window to your brain

Although there is no cure for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, early detection is still important so that treatments can be put in place to slow down disease progression. Unfortunately, detecting dementia and Alzheimer’s disease isn’t always the easiest and diagnostic methods aren’t always the most reliable, until now, of course. Researchers found small opacities that here to read more

Pain behind the eyes: Causes and home remedies

Pain behind the eyes can be quite discomforting and sometimes impair your ability to see because it is so severe you may only want to keep your eyes closed. There are many causes for pain behind the eyes, ranging in severity. Knowing what is causing your pain behind the eyes can help you obtain relief here to read more


An easier way of administering glaucoma medication on the horizon

Glaucoma affects over three million Americans today, with only half of them aware they have the condition. It is a progressive eye disorder that, if left untreated, can cause blindness. Even if treatment is properly initiated, approximately 10 percent of patients will still experience vision loss. Much of the reason many people, especially the elderly, here to read more

6 tips to improve your vision

The world can truly be a beautiful place, as long as you can see it. Unfortunately, as we age, our ability to see all of the world’s wonders can diminish. Objects may appear blurry, double, or generally distorted. Although some changes in vision occur naturally through aging, there are proactive things you can do to here to read more

Glassy eyes: Causes and treatment

Seeing a person with glassy eyes can be unnerving, as it feels like they are listless or disinterested, perhaps lost in their own minds. The term glassy eyes often refer to a glazed over or shiny appearance of the eyes that makes them appear unfocused. It is a common problem that many people have to here to read more

The one surgery you should not avoid

Cataracts are a vision problem that commonly occurs among older adults. They cause the lens to appear cloudy or fogged up. As a result, vision becomes impaired, making daily tasks much more challenging. Although cataracts affect your vision, they can be removed. Some people avoid this surgery because they are afraid, but aside from being here to read more

Eyeball spots: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Having eyeball spots refers to any discoloration on the surface of the eyeball, not visual disturbances like floaters or seeing halos. These eyeball spots can be visually observed by other people. Eyeball spots may be caused by a variety of different medical conditions or diseases. While some may be relatively harmless, others may be the here to read more