
Category Archives: Eye Health

These two tricks can improve your vision

Your eyes are your windows to the world, and like all windows, they are subject to fogging… as such, they need constant maintenance. However, that’s where the similarities end. While window panes can become squeaky clean and absolutely clear with a bit of Windex and a thorough rub-down, your eyes are a bit more complicated. here to read more

Keratoconus (KC), a distortion of vision: Causes, symptoms, treatment, and exercises

Keratoconus (KC) is a condition that causes vision distortion. It occurs when the normally round cornea becomes thin and cone-shaped. This abnormal change prevents the light from entering the eye, hindering the retina’s ability to focus and, thus, distorting the image. In healthy individuals, light travels through the cornea past the lens to the retina, here to read more


How to tell if you have a hidden health problem

Eyes have always been considered the window to the soul. Arguably the most magnetic part of our face, the eyes convey all emotions we’re experiencing. Without saying a word, we can communicate by just looking at each other. Love, hate, fear, anger, lust, sorrow, excitement, indifference—it’s all in the eyes. Eye contact plays a crucial here to read more

How to stop watery eyes (epiphora)?

Watery eyes—also known as epiphora—is a common condition, though it is commonly misunderstood. Basically, epiphora means an overflow of tears, often without a particular reason. While tears normally drain through the nasolacrimal system, if there is insufficient tear film drainage from the eyes, the tears overflow onto the face. Epiphora can occur at any age here to read more

New treatment helps aging eyes

You know you’re getting old when you have to hold your phone at arm’s length to see who’s calling you. Or when you have to put a pair of reading glasses in every room of your house so that you don’t have to go searching for them every time you need to check cooking instructions here to read more

Macular degeneration treatment may lead to increased risk of glaucoma surgery

According to a study published online by JAMA Ophthalmology, patients with age-related macular degeneration who received seven or more eye injections of the drug Bevacizumab annually had a higher risk of having glaucoma surgery. The most common cause of macular degeneration is age-related, and over time, it may result in blurred or no vision in here to read more