
Category Archives: Eye Health

Uveitis causes, symptoms, and treatment

Most people have heard of glaucoma and cataracts, but you rarely read or hear about uveitis. Uveitis, which is pronounced you-vee-eye-tis, is internal inflammation of the eye that can lead to loss of vision or even blindness. The sooner the cause of uveitis is determined and the sooner a person is treated, the better chances here to read more

Dry eyes linked to air pollution, decreased humidity, and increased ozone levels: Study

Dry eyes are linked to air pollution, decreased humidity, and increased ozone levels. The study looked at data taken from 16,824 participants in South Korea. Dry eye disease was defined as the presence of eye pain and discomfort, along with the feeling of dryness and irritation. Outdoor air pollution measurements were collected from 283 national here to read more

Keratoconus (KC), a distortion of vision: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Keratoconus (KC) is a condition that causes vision distortion. It occurs when the normally round cornea becomes thin and cone-shaped. This abnormal change prevents the light from entering the eye, hindering the retina’s ability to focus and, thus, distorting the image. In healthy individuals, light travels through the cornea past the lens to the retina, here to read more


Age-related macular degeneration risk is higher in adults whose eyes adjust to the dark slowly: Study

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) risk is higher in adults whose eyes adjust to darkness slowly, according to research findings. Your eyes’ ability to adjust to the dark after bright light is called dark adaptation. Researchers believe the time it takes for you to adjust to darkness offers some insight into your AMD risk. The research here to read more

Pterygium (surfer’s eye) new treatment with a cardiovascular drug: Study

Pterygium (surfer’s eye) new treatment with cardiovascular drug has been reported. The researchers have found a way to repurpose the drug known as dipyridamole to treat pterygium and other dry-eye symptoms. Dipyridamole is a cardiovascular drug used to treat angina and prevent stroke, but it has also been found to aid in vision problems, such here to read more

Blurred vision: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Blurred vision can be due to a number of reasons. For some, blurred vision is a temporary symptom, and for others, it may turn into a chronic condition. Understanding the cause of your blurred vision is important for proper management of the condition and your own convenience. Blurred vision is the loss of vision sharpness. here to read more

Vision problems raise the risk of unemployment, poverty, and mental health problems: Study

Vision problems raise the risk of unemployment, poverty, and mental health problems, according to a recent study. Researcher Mary Frances Cotch said, “Our focus has mostly been on severe visual loss and treating the eye diseases that cause it. This study is saying we probably shouldn’t wait until that time since people with mild visual here to read more

3 fixes for poor vision

As much as you may enjoy the sunny season, summer comes with added threats to your vision. The first one is the sun – there’s lots of it and it’s more intense. You may not think about the impending menace when you’re enjoying the outdoors, but over time your eyes can become weaker due to here to read more