
Category Archives: Eye Health


Surprising food helps improve vision

You probably heard that if you want to improve your vision you should eat carrots, but a new study has shown that bananas are beneficial for your vision, too. Fruits in general can provide disease-fighting properties and should be part of your healthy eating routine – an apple a day keeps the doctor away, as here to read more

Dry eyes and seasonal allergies linked, treat dry eyes naturally with home remedies

Dry eyes and seasonal allergies go hand in hand. Unfortunately, when the warmer weather begins, so does our eye dryness, which can really hinder our ability to enjoy the milder temperatures. Allergies are often associated with red and watery eyes, but researchers from the University of Miami have found a link between allergies and dry eyes, here to read more

4 ways to improve your eye health right now

Do you find yourself rubbing your eyes often throughout the day, closing them for brief moments because they feel tired, or just having a difficult time focusing on what’s in front of you? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, there is a growing number of individuals who experience these very symptoms, which are all related here to read more

Vitiligo patients face dry eye syndrome, other eye health risks

Vitiligo patients face dry eye syndrome along with other eye health risks. Significant differences were seen in vitiligo patients who underwent the Schirmer test, which determines if the eye produces enough tears for proper moisture. The study looked at 61 vitiligo patients and 57 control individuals. The patients and controls underwent several eye tests, including here to read more

What this eye problem says about your health

Maybe this occurs when you’re watching TV, or maybe you notice it more when you’re driving… Whenever it happens, at some point of your life you have felt your eye twitch. Eye twitching – known as myokymia – is a common condition, which affects millions of individuals. Eye twitching occurs when the nerves and muscles here to read more

Ocular syphilis can occur at any stage of syphilis, may cause blindness

Ocular syphilis can occur at any stage of syphilis, and it may cause blindness. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum. Syphilis is a treatable condition, but if left untreated or if not properly treated, it can lead to other health complications. Syphilis can come in several stages: primary, secondary, here to read more