3 fixes for poor vision

3-fixes-for-poor-visionAs much as you may enjoy the sunny season, summer comes with added threats to your vision. The first one is the sun – there’s lots of it and it’s more intense. You may not think about the impending menace when you’re enjoying the outdoors, but over time your eyes can become weaker due to years of exposure to harmful elements.

Here are three key preventative measures to help protect your vision in the summertime.

3 preventive tips to protect your eyes this summer


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Get a good pair of sunglasses: Your sunglasses should be able to block out UVA and UVB rays. Exposure to the sun’s harmful rays has been associated with cataracts, macular degeneration, and skin cancer. Whether you are outdoors for a long period of time or even for a short little while, it’s important to wear protective sunglasses to lower your risk of future vision problems.
Protect your eyes when you’re out in sand and water: Even if you’re playing in the sand or in the water, you should still wear a good pair of sunglasses. Keep in mind that the sun reflects more off the water, which makes its rays more direct and harmful as a result.

Be cautious of fireworks: There is plenty to celebrate during the summer months, so you will see a lot of fireworks going off. Fireworks are fun to look at, but can pose a risk to your eyes. In 2014, roughly 230 Americans ended up in the hospital due to fireworks-related injuries just for the Fourth of July. There were 10,500 incidences that year.

Parts can fly away, and if you’re too close they can land right into your eye. To protect your eyes against fireworks, make sure you steer clear of the launching site. If you are close by, wear protective eye gear and always ensure small children are nowhere in the sight of close range of explosives.

The summer is here to be enjoyed – without worrying about your vision. By keeping these three recommendations in mind, you can better protect your eyes and vision for years to come.


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Related Reading:

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