Articles Related To Oral Care.


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Category Archives: Oral Care

Could You Have Diabetes? Ask Your Dentist

Doctors are beginning to pay more attention to the strong connection between a person’s oral health and their overall health. In some cases, the first signs of a developing disease can be found in the mouth. Certainly, we are beginning to see that this is the case with diabetes. With research pouring in, more dentists here to read more

Why You Can’t Avoid the Dentist Any Longer

Do you strategically smile through closed lips? New research published in the Journal of Dental Research shows that millions of people worldwide are suffering from dental problems that are preventable, but are nevertheless being voluntarily left untreated.  Untreated dental health issues can have a significantly negative impact on a person’s overall health and well-being, and here to read more


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The Effect of Female Hormones on Dental Health

Female hormones are generally associated with the reproduction and pregnancy.  Estrogen, for example, is the female reproductive hormone responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle.  A lower production of estrogen each month thus increases the likelihood of pregnancy in a woman.  On the other hand, progesterone is another hormone is that associated with pregnancy, allowing the here to read more

Brushing Your Teeth for Memory?

You may want to think twice about cancelling your dentist appointments, or “forgetting” to brush your teeth – a new study has found that doing so may impact much more than just your dental health—it may impact your memory and the welfare of your brain! What Your Dentist Has To Do With Your Memory In here to read more

The Big Dental Industry Controversy

The biggest controversy to hit the dental industry in the last 20 years has been over amalgam as a tooth filling. The concern; that because the silver colored fillings contain mercury they could leach into the mouth causing chronic illness. Scientists have never agreed 100 per cent on this issue and now another concern has here to read more

The Unexpected Problem Causing Blood Clots

For years, we have simply considered tooth loss as an issue involving a deficiency in calcium and the progression of aging. The consumption of food items rich in calcium such as milk and dairy products were thus considered as preventative measures against tooth deterioration and frequent visits to the dentist. However, recent studies have shown here to read more

Tongue Color Can Predict Your Health

It might not necessarily a traditional way to predict your health, but there research is now showing that in terms of preventative and treatment options, it could have some serious validity. The state and color of your tongue is now being said that it could give you a pretty good indicator of what’s going on here to read more

Common Oral Health Questions Answered

For decades doctors have known that oral health can have a big impact on your general health. How you take care of your teeth and gums could determine whether or not the rest of your body will be in good shape. As the public becomes more aware of this connection, doctors and dentists face a here to read more

What Your Tongue Can Tell You About Disease

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a type of preventative medicine that has been practiced in China for over 5,000 years. TCM is based on an understanding of the laws of nature as well as the balance, flow and harmony of vital energy in the body.   TCM is considered a holistic modality of medicine because it here to read more

Dental X-Rays and Brain Tumors

Dentists use x-rays which utilize ionizing radiation, in order to obtain information regarding the health of the tooth, the gums and the bone tissue which surrounds the tooth. Although these types of x-rays don’t tend to be absorbed by your tongue and gums, they are absorbed by your teeth, bones and surrounding hard tissue. The here to read more