
Category Archives: General Health

Your doctor is making you sick

When we are ill we head over to our doctor’s office. After sitting patiently waiting for our name to be called we enter the examining room. In walks our doctor and to our surprise, they are sick as well. Believe it or not doctors, too, can get sick, but should they be working? When we here to read more

Strenuous jogging bad for your health

Heading out for a jog? Be cautious of intensity and how long you jog for, you could be cutting years from your life. Although jogging is touted for being a great form of exercise, research is uncovering there can be too much of a good thing. In fact, some researchers have noted that too much here to read more

How inflammation affects your health

Generally speaking inflammation is necessary to protect the body. It’s the body’s response to infection and aids in healing. But inflammation can raise some potential health risks as well. Here is a list of potential health risks inflammation can lead to. 4 areas affected by inflammation Digestion and gutMuch of our immune system is actually here to read more


Natural remedies for kidney stones

Often compared to a pain far worse than that of giving birth, kidney stones are no laughing matter. With no one cause for kidney stones, they can affect anyone at any time. Typically kidney stones are the formation of uric acid, calcium and oxalate into crystals. When small, they can easily be passed when we here to read more

Should you drink only when thirsty?

Our bodies are made up of a large amount of water – about 60 percent. And yet we still need to replenish it. Through sweating, crying and urinating, water continues to be expelled from the body. Staying hydrated then, is key. You may have heard that we should be drinking at least eight glasses of here to read more

What Affects Your Risk of UTI

One in five women will have at least one UTI, also referred to as a bladder infection, in her lifetime. Close to 20 percent of women who have a UTI will have another, and 30 percent of those will have yet another. Beyond this point, statistics show that there is a group of women who here to read more

Can you smell your health?

All five senses guide us through life. Whether seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling or feeling, they work together to paint a picture of the world. When something smells bad, we likely won’t approach or eat it. The foul smell signals to us it’s probably not good for our health. This is how our senses can boost here to read more

PTSD linked to heart attack and stroke in women

Post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, an anxiety disorder,is often associated with those who have gone to war. PTSD happens after people have experienced traumatic events and continue to recall stressors. Symptoms of PTSD can come in the form of nightmares, flashbacks, difficulty sleeping, and feelings of detachment. Since PTSD is most commonly associated with here to read more