
Category Archives: General Health

How Healthy is Your Prostate?

If you’re a man over 60, prostate health might be at the top of your mind. And it should be. There is a lot of information out there about how quickly prostate health can disintegrate, and for those moving on in years, your prostate is something to keep an eye on. And to be honest, here to read more

Fall Seasonal Superfoods

The flavors of fall make the lower temperatures a little easier to handle. Seasonal produce lends itself nicely to warm hearty meals and is enhanced by how well much of it compliments spices like nutmeg and cinnamon. It’s time to sip on an apple cider, spoon a butternut squash soup, or treat yourself to some here to read more

New Research Challenges Conventional Workout Wisdom

So, you’ve decided to start lifting weights to get strong and take advantage of all the other benefits resistance training has to offer. Or maybe you’ve been doing it for a long time and are living the dream. Either way, you’ve probably heard one thing repeated by personal trainers and fitness gurus: “eat more protein.” here to read more

Stomp Out Foot Pain

Nothing can throw a wrench into your plans for more activity than some nagging foot pain. Pain in the feet can take on a variety of types and intensities, all with the potential to keep you sidelined from doing the things you like. Aside from the pain, the lack of mobility can lead to higher here to read more

Boost Immunity With These Essential Oils

The season is about to change, and some of you may have already noticed a significant drop in temperature. Looking out the window, I’ve seen those short-clad folks out for a saunter turn into those bundled up with a little more purpose in their step. Although the temperature is not directly responsible for the spread here to read more


Spending Time with Grandkids May Increase Longevity

If you’ve got grandkids, it could do some good to take part in their lives. A solid relationship with grandchildren appears to increase health and longevity. Your children may have pointed out that since you became a grandparent, there’s been a twinkle in your eye that they certainly did not see growing up. That might here to read more

Diet Doesn’t Matter: Food Choices Do

It seems that regardless of what kind of health condition you’re trying to manage or prevent, a healthy diet is always central. Heart-healthy, joint health, vein health, cholesterol, and brain health can all be enhanced or ruined by eating. For a lot of these conditions, you’ve heard the best way to eat is probably the here to read more

How Many Push-Ups Can You Do?

If you’re interested in stronger muscles, better cardiovascular health, and improved body composition, you may not have to look much further than the floor. How many push-ups you could do used to be more about bragging rights than health benefits. But push-ups have a lot to offer and say a lot about your health. Including here to read more

Forming Healthy Habits

There’s a lot of information out there about how to reduce joint pain, limit inflammation, improve heart health, and limit the risk and impact of chronic illness. And on the surface, it all seems pretty straightforward. But why do so many people fail at keeping themselves healthy? Because it’s hard to implement new and healthy here to read more

Foods That Might Contribute to a Healthy Bladder

With age comes bladder change. As people get older, they have a higher risk of bladder infections and urinary tract infections (UTIs) that are caused by several factors. And although you might not be able to control every risk factor for these illnesses, there are some that you can. One of the ways to prevent here to read more