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Category Archives: Health News

Cannabis May Aid in Dementia Treatment

There is growing hype around cannabis, and more studies are being conducted on the regular to better understand the possible benefits of cannabis on different health problems. The latest study sheds light on the potential use of cannabis for dementia treatment. Researcher’s from King’s College London are carrying out a clinical trial on cannabis-based treatment here to read more

List of Foods That Cause Gas

Some foods that we eat can cause gas. Gas is a natural thing, but many people are still embarrassed by it. For some, gas can lead to bloating, which can be painful and make clothing more uncomfortable. Gas is often caused by the swallowing of air or by the digestive process of certain foods. If here to read more

Sleep Helps Improve Your Arteries

Research suggests that a good night’s sleep helps to keep your arteries healthy. The latest evidence suggests that sleep can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis – hardening of the arteries. When arteries become stiff, it increases the risk of a cardiovascular event. The researchers studied the development of atherosclerosis in mice. They found that sleep-deprived here to read more

Untreated Diabetes Associated with High Chances of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease Signs

Untreated diabetes is associated with a high chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, patients who are taking medications to treat and manage their diabetes are warding off Alzheimer’s disease. The risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease was 1.6 times greater among those with untreated diabetes. Psychologist Daniel A. Nation explained, “Our findings emphasize the importance of here to read more


Reducing Blood Pressure Protects the Brain

The latest research findings uncovered that reducing blood pressure among seniors helps reduce the accumulation of brain lesions. These benefits were seen among seniors who took medications to keep their 24-hour systolic blood pressure at 130 mm Hg as opposed to those who kept it at 145 mm Hg. A reduction of brain lesions was here to read more

7 Tips to Protect Your Vision

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the most common causes of vision loss. As the name suggests, it’s related to age. As we all age and can’t stop the aging process, AMD is virtually unavoidable, but there are things you can do to slow down progression and protect your vision for many years. AMD here to read more

Healthy Foods That Can Aggravate Joint Pain

Inflammation is a necessary reaction from the body to protect it from injury. But when it’s chronic, it can lead to health problems, particularly joint pain. The foods we eat can contribute to or manage inflammation. Generally, healthy foods help reduce inflammation while unhealthy foods promote it. But did you know that there are some here to read more

Depression, Anxiety Risk Associated with Sinus Problems: Study

Sinus problems are associated with higher depression and anxiety risk. The Korean researchers found that people with chronic rhinosinusitis – a condition where the cavities around the nasal passages are inflamed and swollen for at least 12 weeks – have a higher risk of depression and anxiety. Symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis include facial pain, headache, here to read more

Nitrates and Your Food

Nitrates often get a bad reputation, but it’s important not to group all nitrates into the same category. As with many things in life, some nitrates are good for us while others are bad. For example, nitrates found in beetroot juice assist in reducing blood pressure and improving exercise performance. Nitrates are also found in here to read more

15 Tips to Live to 100

Although we can’t live forever, many people are living to be 100. It is estimated that the number of people living to 100 will grow eightfold by 2050. Will you be one of those people? You could be if you follow these 15 tips that can help add years to your life. 15 Tips to here to read more

Tinnitus and Ringing in Your Ears

At some point in your life, you’ve experienced ringing in your ears. One of the most common causes of this is being exposed to prolonged loud noises, such as being at a concert. This ringing is often temporary in nature and will go away on its own. But if you experience ringing in the ears here to read more

7 Myths about Digestion Which Are True

Old wives’ tales are pieces of information that get passed down through each generation as facts. Many people believe them, many continue to pass them along, while other people are skeptical. Although the bulk of old wives tales aren’t true, there are some that are worth listening to, especially when it comes to digestion. Here here to read more