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Category Archives: Health News

Can You Have “Good” Fat?

There has been a lot of information about body fat in recent years, and some of it has been good. Is it possible you’re carrying around a bunch of “good” fat? It’s unlikely that anybody will carry all “good” fat, and if you’re carrying a lot of fat, it almost certainly isn’t “good.” But even here to read more

Healthy Road Trip Habits

It’s summertime, and you could be gearing up for a road trip despite the high gas prices. Road trips are always a fun adventure, allowing you to explore the country and provide an opportunity for lasting memories. But it can also be a time when people let their health slide a little bit. Fast food, here to read more


Eating Eggs Could Be Good for Your Heart

Eggs can get a bad rep because they have some naturally occurring cholesterol. But that doesn’t mean they are a risky choice. And now, a new study suggests that moderate egg consumption may help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Eggs are a rich source of dietary cholesterol, but they also include a variety of here to read more

How Gut Bacteria Can Affect Depression

Did you know that the bacteria in your gut can seriously impact your chances of depression? A growing body of research suggests that changes in the gut microbiota – the trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms that live in our intestines – may play a role in mental health, including depression and anxiety. In this here to read more

How Does Diabetes Affect Dental Health?

When most people think of diabetes, they think of the health risks associated with high blood sugar levels. However, other health risks associated with diabetes are not as well known. One such risk is weakened teeth and tooth decay. Studies have shown that people with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are more likely here to read more

Is Food Medicine?

It’s possible by now you’ve heard the phrase “food as medicine.” It’s a theory that food can cure or prevent disease and illness, particularly prevalent on social media. But is there anything to it? Of course, there is plenty of evidence that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, whole grains, and lean proteins, here to read more

What Can You Do about Dry Eyes?

It can be more than annoying when your eyes feel scratchy and irritated. The pain and discomfort can make even the most relaxing activity feel like a struggle. Itchy, scratchy, dry eyes can have several causes, from seasonal allergies to a dry environment. They could also be caused by dry eye syndrome, a problem caused here to read more