
Category Archives: Blood Pressure

High blood pressure lowered by drinking cherry juice: Study

High blood pressure may be lowered by drinking cherry juice. The study found a seven percent reduction in blood pressure after participants consumed tart Montmorency cherry concentrate, in comparison to drinking a fruit-flavored beverage. A growing problem worldwide, high blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and is associated with various complications including here to read more

Cardiovascular disease risk reduces with lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure combination

Cardiovascular disease risk reduced with lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure combination. Study lead investigator Brian Ference explained, “[The results] demonstrate for the first time that LDL cholesterol and SBP [systolic blood pressure] have independent, multiplicative, and cumulative causal effects on the risk of cardiovascular disease. This suggests that a simple strategy that encourages long-term here to read more

High systolic blood pressure levels increase the risk of coronary heart disease in chronic kidney disease patients

Systolic blood pressure levels over 140 mm Hg increase the risk of coronary heart disease in chronic kidney disease patients. For the study, the researchers looked at the association between blood pressure and other clinical outcomes in over 300,000 chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. The study revealed that systolic blood pressure over 140 mm Hg here to read more

Sleep apnea has an immediate impact on blood pressure regulation, can deteriorate circulatory system

Sleep apnea has an immediate impact on blood pressure regulation and deteriorate the circulatory system. The study found six hours of fluctuating oxygen levels associated with sleep apnea can deteriorate a person’s circulatory system. Researcher Glen Foster explained, “While it is well established that sleep apnea is linked to high blood pressure, our study shows here to read more

High blood pressure may impair cognitive function, increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

High blood pressure may impair cognitive function, increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. There is consistent evidence that chronic high blood pressure can impair cognitive function, affecting memory, thinking abilities, speed of processing, and executive function. According to the expert panel, the contradicting research on the link between high blood pressure and cognitive function points here to read more


High blood pressure complications: Sexual dysfunction, bone loss, and obstructive sleep apnea

High blood pressure affects nearly 75 million Americans and is a known risk factor for stroke and heart disease. About one in three Americans has prehypertension, which means their blood pressure readings are higher than normal and puts them at risk for hypertension. The American Heart Association has put together blood pressure recommendations to help here to read more

Red wine may help lower high blood pressure and protect against heart disease: Study

Red wine may help lower high blood pressure and protect against heart disease in people who exercise. But there’s a catch: The participants in the study were drinking non-alcoholic red wine. The non-alcoholic red wine was shown to improve nitric oxide levels in the men, helping lower blood pressure. Nitric oxide causes blood vessels to here to read more

Blood pressure and colon cancer risk may be lowered with vegetarian diet: Study

Blood pressure and colon cancer risk may be lowered with a vegetarian diet. The researchers analyzed seven clinical trials and 32 studies where participants consumed a vegetarian diet. The researchers measured differences in blood pressure associated with eating a vegetarian diet. The researchers found that adhering to a vegetarian diet was associated with reduced systolic here to read more

In coronary artery disease patients, too low blood pressure linked to worse outcomes: Study

In coronary artery disease patients, too low blood pressure is linked with worsened outcomes. Principal investigator Prof. Philippe Gabriel Steg explained, “The optimal blood pressure target in patients with hypertension continues to be debated, especially in those with coronary artery disease (CAD). ESC [European Society of Cardiology] guidelines recommend lowering blood pressure to values within here to read more

Resistant hypertension: Strategy to manage and treat resistant high blood pressure

Resistant hypertension (high blood pressure) is when a person has made the appropriate lifestyle changes in order to reduce their blood pressure or have taken at least two different types of blood pressure-lowering medications, and yet their blood pressure has not improved. Essentially, resistant hypertension refers to blood pressure that is difficult to treat and here to read more

Reduce blood pressure in overweight individuals by consuming watermelon both at rest and under stress

A study has shown that blood pressure in overweight individuals can be reduced by consuming watermelon both at rest and under stress. Associate professor Arturo Figueroa explained, “The pressure on the aorta and on the heart decreased after consuming watermelon extract.” The study is based on the notion that more people die of heart-related events here to read more

Hypertension, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes linked to greater risk of peripheral artery disease in men

Hypertension, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes are linked to a greater risk of peripheral artery disease (PAD) in men. An atherosclerotic syndrome characterized by blockage of the arteries, especially in the extremities, peripheral artery disease affects eight to 10 million people in the U.S. It is associated with reduced function and a higher risk here to read more