
Category Archives: Blood Pressure

Blood pressure drug may aid in Alzheimer’s disease treatment

An FDA-approved blood pressure drug may offer benefits to Alzheimer’s disease treatment by reducing cell damage. The drug – candesartan – may be beneficial in early Alzheimer’s disease treatment, along with other Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). Senior author Juan M. Saavedra said, “Our findings make sense in many ways. Hypertension reduces blood flow throughout the here to read more

Simple trick for healthy blood pressure

Nowadays anyone and everyone has a smartphone in their hands which constantly keeps them linked to the world. You can Google addresses, FaceTime distant friends and call up anyone by the touch of a simple button. It seems we can’t do much without our smartphones and so researchers from Oxford University, in collaboration with the here to read more


How salt can benefit the heart

For years, even decades, we have been told to cut out or minimize our salt intake. The reasoning behind the theory was that too much salt can lead to heart problems, especially if you have high blood pressure. Furthermore, we were consuming excessive amounts of salt everyday as part of our typical Western diet. Most here to read more

Do this one thing for healthy blood pressure

When it comes to lowering blood pressure naturally there are many lifestyle changes that can be made. For example, changing your diet, exercising regularly and reducing stress are all effective ways to lower your blood pressure. And now new research suggests another tactic that can help improve those numbers even more – it’s called transcendental here to read more

Avoid this beverage for a healthy heart

Have you ever been so tired that even coffee didn’t give you a pick-me-up, so you reached for an energy drink instead? It may seem harmless to gulp down an energy drink every now and then, just to get through your day, but new warnings from the American Heart Association (AHA) caution against the beverage here to read more

Pulmonary Hypertension: The Complete Guide

What is pulmonary hypertension? If you’ve received a diagnosis, you’ll know it’s serious. It’s different from having regular high blood pressure. Specifically, the diagnosis means you have high blood pressure in your arteries that go from your lungs to your heart. People often describe it as high blood pressure in the heart-to-lungs system. If you’ve here to read more

Do this one thing for healthy blood pressure

When it comes to blood pressure and maintaining healthy levels, there are many lifestyle changes you can make. The most popular advice is to limit your intake of salt. Although minimizing salt is an effective means of controlling blood pressure, new research suggests an even more effective lifestyle change that can have you gaining back here to read more

In Parkinson’s disease, managing orthostatic hypotension improves cognition and balance

In Parkinson’s disease, managing orthostatic hypotension improves cognition and balance. Orthostatic hypotension is a form of low blood pressure that occurs when going from a sitting or lying position to a standing one. It’s commonly found in Parkinson’s disease and current recommendations to manage it involve general measures and medications that pose minimum risk or here to read more

Vasovagal syncope, common cause of fainting, prevented by sniffing and gasping

Vasovagal syncope is a common cause of fainting, yet until now few prevention tools have been suggested for those who experience it. Now there is evidence that suggests simply sniffing and gasping can help people avoid the problem. Dr. Marta Barolarova, a cardiologist from Louis Pasteur University Hospital in Slovak Republic recently presented a study here to read more