
Category Archives: Cholesterol

Improve HDL and LDL with TLC

Most Americans lack adequate knowledge about their cholesterol. Terms like “good” and “bad” cholesterol are thrown around a lot, but things can get confusing. One thing people do know is that keeping cholesterol in check is an important component of overall health, and specifically heart health. High cholesterol can make it difficult for blood to here to read more

Sneaky Foods That Might Boost Cholesterol

Some foods look like they will raise cholesterol. But others don’t. That’s where the danger comes in. There’s little question that a greasy slab of meat-lovers pizza can likely boost cholesterol. Same with a burger and fries from your favorite diner. But not all foods that can increase cholesterol are so clearly defined. Many of here to read more

How Quickly Can You Lower Cholesterol?

Lowering cholesterol takes effort. It requires a multi-faceted approach centered around diet, lifestyle, and, if needed, medication. But how long does it take to lower cholesterol? Longer than you might hope. Even though it can take months to achieve a noticeable improvement in cholesterol with hard work, there is a massive payoff: routines you develop here to read more


Elevated Cholesterol Early in Life Increases a Person’s Risk of Having a Heart Problems during Middle Age

New findings from researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) suggest more aggressive strategies to lower cholesterol levels in early adulthood to avoid heart problems later in life. Having elevated cholesterol during teens or early twenties can increase a person’s risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or other cardiovascular events during here to read more

Elevated Cholesterol during the Teenage Years Increases a Person’s Risk of Having a Heart Attack Later in Life

It is widely known that cholesterol levels are associated with the risk of heart attack, but new research has found an exciting timeline that could indicate this risk. It was found that having elevated cholesterol during the teens or early twenties increases a person’s risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or another cardiovascular event here to read more

Why You Need Strong Muscles, and How to Get Them

Your muscles support you in virtually everything you do. So, why aren’t you supporting them? Muscle building is often viewed as a specialty hobby—something practiced by athletes or those who want to grow really big or lift heavy weights. But that perception couldn’t be more wrong. Building strength and muscle is crucial to good health, here to read more

Struggling with Statins? This Might Help

There’s little question that statins can help control cholesterol. But that can come at a price. Yes, they can reduce heart attack and stroke risk, but they may also come with some unwanted side effects. Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, might help. If you’ve noticed that you don’t have the strength and energy you had before here to read more

Whey Protein to Keep Cholesterol in Check

What do you think about protein shakes? I’m not talking about plant-based protein shakes, either. I’m talking about whey protein. The stuff bodybuilders guzzle after a workout. Useless to you, right? Wrong. Whey protein could help lower cholesterol. Whey is one of the proteins found in dairy products. As a supplement, it is a by-product here to read more