
Category Archives: Liver

Liver disease linked to stroke: Study

The liver is just one of many important organs in the human body. It is actually vital for our survival, as we would die if it became compromised in any way. The liver has a wide range of functions, including detoxification of blood to the production of a biochemical needed for digestion. That’s why liver here to read more


Protein causing liver disease discovered

One of the most underappreciated organs in the body is the liver. Most people don’t even know its true function. This football-sized organ sits on the right side of the abdomen and is essential for getting rid of toxic substances in the body. Also, it plays a role in the conversion of cholesterol, production of here to read more

Prevent liver disease with these tips

If anything, the liver is a fitting example of hard work and resilience. It processes everything we eat and drink, including medicine. Even when under the attack of viruses, toxins, and contaminants, it continues to do its job. This organ is essential for our existence, but we tend to be careless about its well-being. Although here to read more

Genetic link found for fatty liver disease: Study

Chronic liver disease is a condition that is commonly associated with those who drink an excessive amount of alcohol, leading to damage of hepatic cells. However, there is a similar condition involving the liver called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which, as the name suggests, does not stem from alcoholism. This has puzzled scientists for here to read more

What Are the Early Signs of Liver Damage?

Our liver carries out hundreds of functions daily, yet we often miss the signs and symptoms that indicate it is sick. Liver disease symptoms can easily be overlooked because they can overlap with other conditions. Liver disease is becoming a growing health problem, especially fatty liver disease, as obesity rates keep rising. Liver disease is here to read more

Reverse liver damage with this food

Olive oil has long been a staple in the kitchen of health-conscious eaters. It’s a well-known health potion that holds a secret to cardiovascular fitness and balanced cholesterol. Experts and food enthusiasts all over the world sing praises to this Mediterranean diet superstar, especially the extra virgin variety, even without a thorough understanding of what here to read more