Marijuana Users More than Twice as Likely to Develop Rare Type of Bleeding Stroke

Middle-aged man smoking marijuana cigarette or joint, sitting in the kitchen and writing song using laptop. Marijuana grinder, lighter, headphones and weed on the table. Cannabis legalization conceptNew research has revealed that marijuana users may be more at risk for a dangerous complication if they have a rare stroke called aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH). This relationship sees recent marijuana users as more than twice as likely to suffer these complications from a bleeding stroke.

The study published in Stroke is the largest to examine the impact of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive component of marijuana, on complications after an aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, a rare but severe form of stroke.


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Researchers analyzed data from more than 1,000 patients who had been treated for stroke at Barrow Neurological Institute between 2007 and 2019. All patients had been treated for stroke to stop the bleeding by either open surgery to clip off the base of the aneurysm or noninvasively.

The non-invasive procedure included threading a slim tube through a blood vessel to the aneurysm’s base and releasing coils that fold to fill in the space and provide a barrier to stop further bleeding.

Urine toxicology was used to test for THC, reflecting cannabis exposure within three days for a single-use to approximately 30 days for frequent heavy use. The recent cannabis users did not have significantly larger aneurysms or worse stroke symptoms. They were also not more likely to have high blood pressure or other cardiovascular risk factors than patients who tested negative for THC.

However, those who tested positive for THC at the last follow-up, which suggested long-term use, were 2.7 times more likely to develop delayed cerebral ischemia. They were also 2.8 times more likely to have long-term moderate to severe physical disability and 2.2 times more likely to die.

With these conclusions, study authors suggest that: “When people come in with ruptured aneurysms, and they have a history of cannabis use or are positive on a toxicology screen, it should raise a red flag to the treating team that they are at higher risk of vasospasm and ischemic complication.”


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This study does not address how cannabis raises the risk of complications, so more research is needed to investigate the exact cause of vasospasm further and delayed cerebral ischemia. Given the increasing popularity of marijuana, it is vital to evaluate the risk and benefits.

Heart Health

Heart health is essential for both marijuana users and non-users and should not be overlooked. Whether you are at a higher risk for heart attack or stroke or not, experts agree that taking action to ensure a healthy heart is essential.

Heart Rescue is an excellent addition to a daily routine to help support and maintain cardiovascular health. It was designed using various ingredients, including
omega-3 fatty acids, CoQ10, magnesium, and hawthorn extract. This unique blend of ingredients can help to reduce the risk of heart disease, strengthen the heart muscle, and maintain healthy cholesterol.

Author Bio

picture for presentation purpose 2Sarah began her interest in nutritional healing at an early age. After going through health problems and becoming frustrated with the conventional ways doctors wanted to treat her illness (which were not working), she took it upon herself to find alternative treatments. This led her to revolutionize her own diet to help her get healthier and tackle her health problems. She began treating her illness by living a more balanced lifestyle through healthy food choices, exercise and other alternative medicine such as meditation. This total positive lifestyle change led her to earn a diploma in Nutritional Therapy from Health Sciences Academy in London, England. Today, Sarah enjoys helping others by teaching healthy lifestyle changes through her personal consultations and with her regular contributions to the Doctors Health Press. Also, passionate about following her dreams in life, Sarah moved to France and lived in Paris for over 5 years where she earned a certification in beadwork and embroidery from Lesage (an atelier owned by Chanel). She then went on to be a familiar face sitting front row and reporting from Paris Fashion Week. Sarah continues to practice some of the cultural ways of life she learned while in Europe. They enjoy their food, and take the time to relax and enjoy many of life’s little moments. These are life lessons she is glad to have brought back home with her.


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