Menopause symptoms: Nausea causes and treatment

Written by Dr. Victor Marchione
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menopause symptoms nauseaThe most common menopause symptom may be hot flashes, but many women also experience nausea. In fact, they may not even realize that their nausea may be due to menopause, as this isn’t something discussed as much as other common menopause symptoms.

Nausea is an uncomfortable feeling in the upper stomach. When one is nauseous, they have an intense feeling as if they are going to vomit – and yet most of the time they don’t.

Aside from being a symptom of menopause, nausea could also be a side effect of hormone replacement therapy, which is commonly used to treat menopause.

Why does menopause trigger nausea?

The exact link between menopause and nausea is unclear, but it may be due to hormonal changes. Pregnant women experience morning sickness due to hormone fluctuations, and the same may go for menopause.

Plus, a drop in hormones may result in other gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating, indigestion, and heartburn, which are all other triggers of nausea in menopause.

Nausea may also be worsened by stress and fatigue, which are also common in menopausal women. You may find relief from your nausea by treating and managing your stress and fatigue.

Menopausal hot flashes, causing an intense feeling of burning and rising temperatures followed by shivering and chills, also can bring about nausea.

Can nausea be a side effect of hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?

Hormone replacement therapy is a common treatment for menopause. Women going through menopause see fluctuations and even drops in their hormone levels, and HRT aims to restore some of these hormones. If a woman is already going through harsh symptoms of menopause, she may also experience negative side effects from HRT, including nausea.

HRT can reduce the risk of osteoporosis, colon cancer, and heart disease, but it could increase the risk of blood clots and breast cancer, on the other hand. Before getting on HRT, it’s important that you discuss all the pros and cons with your doctor.

Link between perimenopause and nausea

Perimenopause is the transitional stage leading up to menopause. Extensive research has been done on perimenopause and other common menopause symptoms like insomnia and hot flashes, but little is known about nausea and perimenopause.

Some theories suggest that nausea in perimenopause is brought about by changing hormone levels. Although the research is limited, there are many reports of women complaining of nausea during perimenopause, suggesting a strong association between the two.

Home remedies for nausea and menopause

Although nausea can be a discomforting feeling, there are some home remedies that you can try to help ease nausea along with other menopause symptoms:

  • Ensure you eat plenty of nutritious foods
  • Partake in regular exercise
  • Aim to get a good night’s sleep
  • Reduce stress
  • Get fresh air
  • Drink herbal teas
  • Find ways to control your emotions
  • Avoid spicy, greasy, and fatty foods
  • Control blood sugar levels
  • Avoid hot temperatures
  • Avoid areas with strong smells
  • Avoid coffee, soda, and sugary beverages
  • Cut down on your portion sizes during times of nausea – stick with bland foods until the feeling passes
  • Stay well hydrated with water

If these home remedies aren’t enough, you may need to speak to your doctor about medical treatments to help you deal with your nausea and other menopause symptoms.

Related Reading:

Night sweats (sleep hyperhidrosis) in men and women: Causes and cures

Menopause-related hot flashes, night sweats, can be reduced by acupuncture: Study


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