Articles Related To Men’s Health.



Category Archives: Men’s Health

Male fertility affected by sleep

A new study has revealed that there is an optimal time for men to sleep in order to maintain their fertility. The researchers found that men who sleep less than six hours or over nine hours have reduced fertility. Seven to eight hours is the ideal sleeping time recommended for healthy fertility. The researchers looked here to read more

Erectile dysfunction patients on the Mediterranean diet may lower heart attack and stroke risk: Study

Erectile dysfunction patients on the Mediterranean diet may lower heart attack and stroke risk. Lead researcher Dr. Athanasios Angelis explained, “Erectile dysfunction is not a symptom of ageing, it is a bad sign from the body that something is wrong with the vasculature. In 80 percent of cases, erectile dysfunction is caused by vascular problems here to read more

Testosterone may be linked to hardening of blood vessels associated with heart disease: Study

Testosterone may be linked to hardening of blood vessels associated with heart disease. Some men have a greater risk of heart attacks than others, and testosterone may be a contributing factor. The researchers studied testosterone levels in the blood of mice and found that it triggers cells from the blood vessels to produce bone-like deposits. here to read more

Enlarged prostate complications: urinary retention, hematuria, bladder stones, and urinary tract infections

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. There are two prostate growth periods: one during early puberty and another around the age of 25. As it grows, the gland can press and pinch the urethra, and the bladder walls thicken. Over time, the bladder can become weaker and lose its ability here to read more


Frequent urination risk higher in men with larger waist circumference: Study

Frequent urination risk is higher in men with larger waist circumference. The researchers found that men with waist measuring over than 100cm were three times more likely to report urinary problems, compared to men with a waist circumference of 90cm or less. Larger waist circumference was also associated with higher blood pressure, heart disease, type here to read more

Bladder problems in men after 60: Urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, enlarged prostate, and lower urinary tract symptoms

Bladder problems are usually a subject for discussion in relation to women, but bladder issues can very much affect men, too, especially those over the age of 60. With aging, the risk of bladder-related problems increases, as there is a decline in kidney weight over time. The bladder and the urethra, too, undergo changes associated here to read more

Testosterone and its effect on cholesterol

Testosterone is a male sex hormone made in the testes. It supports strength and sex drive, stimulates sperm production and sexual function, but it can also affect cholesterol levels. Testosterone and cholesterol share similar chemical structures – both are steroids – and play important roles in the body. Present in the outer membrane of every here to read more

Frequent night awakenings and urination may be due to obstructive sleep apnea, not enlarged prostate

Frequent night awakenings and urination may be caused by obstructive sleep apnea, rather than enlarged prostate. The study compared men aged 55 and 75 years old with an enlarged prostate diagnosis who reported nighttime urination (nocturia) at least once a night. The control group did not have prostate enlargement or nocturia. The study found that here to read more

4 fixes for low libido

There are many reasons for low libido, from everyday stresses to underlying medical conditions. Low libido doesn’t have to be a natural part of aging. In fact, it’s quite possible to have a booming sex life in your older age. To help you out, we have outlined four common causes of low libido – and here to read more

Men with enlarged prostate can decrease nighttime urination with prostatic artery embolization (PAE) treatment: Study

Men with enlarged prostate can decrease their nighttime urination with prostatic artery embolization (PAE) treatment. PAE is a type of radiology treatment used to help men with enlarged prostates reduce the number of times they wake up throughout the night to urinate. The researchers suggest that men reported better sleep and improved quality of life here to read more

Elevated cholesterol, triglycerides increase prostate cancer recurrence risk: Study

Elevated cholesterol and triglycerides increase prostate cancer recurrence risk, according to research. Researcher Emma Allott said, “While laboratory studies support an important role for cholesterol in prostate cancer, population-based evidence linking cholesterol and prostate cancer is mixed. Understanding associations between obesity, cholesterol, and prostate cancer is important, given that cholesterol levels are readily modifiable with here to read more

Nocturia (excessive nighttime urination) risk lower in physically active men: Study

Nocturia (excessive nighttime urination) risk is lower in physically active men. Males may experience nocturia due to an enlarged prostate, overproduction of urine, low bladder capacity, and sleep disturbances. The researchers analyzed data from 28,404 men with pre-existing benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and 4,710 men with newly developed BPH (incident group). In the incident group, here to read more