Why Your Next Shower Should Be Cold

cold showerWhen most of us shower, we tend to make the water a bit steamy. But you could be losing out on some health benefits by cranking the temperature on your showers. Here are the top five benefits you can experience from taking a cold shower.

Benefits of Taking a Cold Shower

It helps you remain calm under pressure: You’ve probably heard the term hot-headed before. If that’s you, take a cool shower. Cold water can literally cool you down and make you more resilient to cracking under pressure.


It breaks you out of your comfort zone: When you wake up, you’re tired, warm, and cozy – taking a cold shower can really kickstart your energy levels. Not only that, if you’re brave enough to dip in cold water first thing in the morning, then you will probably find that you become more fearless and courageous in other areas of your life too.

Boost blood circulation: To warm up your body from being in the cold, your body increases blood flow. An increase in blood flow not only keeps you warm but ensures all areas of the body work more effectively. For example, you may have clearer thoughts and improved physical health. Furthermore, this may prevent blood clots, which can be very serious.

It helps treat pain: Many athletes will rely on cold showers and baths as a means of preventing or treating the injury. If you’re looking for a way to recovery from exercise or injury, or simply want a means to reduce pain, soak in some cold water.

Improves mood: Even though being cold seems miserable, a cold shower can improve your mood throughout the day. There have been some studies that have revealed cold baths are effective natural anti-depressants.

Have we convinced you to switch up your morning shower routine? Now, you may still be thinking that cold showers aren’t for you, but we aren’t asking you to dive right into freezing temperatures. Ease your way into it and find a temperature that is tolerable but not unbearable. You still have to wash at the end of the day.


You may even want to only take cold showers on certain days of the week, like when you work, or when you need to be up earlier than normal. Regardless, it may be worth trying every now and then.

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Author Bio

Devon Andre has been involved in the health and dietary supplement industry for a number of years. Devon has written extensively for Bel Marra Health. He has a Bachelor of Forensic Science from the University of Windsor, and went on to complete a Juris Doctor from the University of Pittsburgh. Devon is keenly aware of trends and new developments in the area of health and wellness. He embraces an active lifestyle combining diet, exercise and healthy choices. By working to inform readers of the options available to them, he hopes to improve their health and quality of life.



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