Search Results for: flu


What causes duodenitis? Types, symptoms, and diagnosis

Duodenitis is inflammation that occurs in the duodenum, which is the beginning of the small intestine. Duodenal inflammation can cause pain and other unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms. While there are different types of duodenitis, duodenal inflammation is always related to some sort of irritation involving the mucus lining of the duodenum. Sometimes this irritation can progress here to read more

27 essential oils for fibromyalgia and how to use them

Essential oils have been used by many cultures around the world for centuries, and now we know that there are essential oils for fibromyalgia that can bring millions of people relief. Fibromyalgia is a chronic musculoskeletal condition that impacts the way the body processes pain signals. It is characterized by pain in various parts of here to read more

Men’s health round-up for 2017

Although November is considered the month for prostate cancer awareness, we feel like it should be discussed all year round. So, we compiled a list of our top articles that touch upon the topic of prostate health. From news breakthroughs and prevention tips to facts about prostate cancer and treatment options, these articles will cover here to read more

Christmas heart attack and holiday heart syndrome prevention tips

Your heart undergoes plenty of stress during the holidays, increasing your risk of Christmas heart attack and holiday heart syndrome. December 26th, in particular, is a dangerous day for those suffering from heart-related problems, so these individuals become more vulnerable to heart attacks, arrhythmias and heart failure. Previous research suggested that the risk of heart-related here to read more


Study finds why young brains learn more easily

The saying goes “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” and it refers to the difficulty that older individuals have learning new tasks, as it is perceived that their ability to absorb and utilize new information is limited. While this is true to some extent, as our bodies and minds become less capable as here to read more
