Search Results for: flu


Improve your digestion this winter with these tips

The winter months can wreak havoc on your digestion for several different reasons. First off, you may be exercising less because it’s way too cold outside or you’re so busy planning parties and preparing gifts. Second, holiday parties! They seem to be every week, sometimes even twice a week. You eat too much, you eat here to read more

16 reasons for pain above the left hip

Pain above the left hip can be confusing to a lot of people. Many individuals who experience this pain wonder whether it is right in the hip itself or actually coming from the stomach. Pain above the left hip can sometimes be above the hipbone on the left side, which is associated with abdominal discomfort, here to read more

Let’s talk about your bladder

Although thousands of men and women suffer from bladder-related health issues, it still continues to be a topic that isn’t often discussed. A survey titled Peehavior found that 62 percent of women aged 40 to 65 don’t think about their bladder health at all. This is quite unfortunate because many women are suffering from leaks here to read more


7 symptoms you need to watch out for

If I ask you to list some common symptoms associated with menopause, you’ll probably say hot flashes, brain fog, stoppage of menstruation, and sleep problems. Yes, these are symptoms of menopause, but there are several other symptoms that women may not be aware of or not even realize are associated with menopause. Here are seven here to read more

Heart racing at night: Causes and treatment

You may notice that your heart races at night or you experience more frequent heart palpitations. For some, this may actually be an all-day occurrence which is overlooked because you are just too busy during the day to notice. But by the time you relax at night, these symptoms become more apparent. Other people may here to read more

Metamorphopsia: Causes, symptoms, tests, and treatment

Metamorphopsia is a type of distorted vision symptom or disorder that causes you to view a grid of straight lines to appear wavy and parts of the grid to appear blank. This phenomenon is commonly experienced in different macular disorders, which are disorders of the retina which is responsible for central vision. What is metamorphopsia? here to read more
