Search Results for: flu


Study finds pros and cons to drinking tap water

Drinking water is essential for human life. In fact, the longest we can survive without water is about three days, while the longest we can survive without food is three weeks. For most people, drinking tap water—which has added fluoride—is the only way they stay hydrated, while others choose alternative methods of getting water. Having here to read more

Pain behind the eyes: Causes and home remedies

Pain behind the eyes can be quite discomforting and sometimes impair your ability to see because it is so severe you may only want to keep your eyes closed. There are many causes for pain behind the eyes, ranging in severity. Knowing what is causing your pain behind the eyes can help you obtain relief here to read more


What causes transaminitis and how to treat it

Transaminitis refers to having high levels of certain enzymes called transaminases. These types of enzymes are commonly associated with the liver, which produces several different kinds of enzymes that get released into the body. The most important of which are alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST), which can be useful for evaluating liver health here to read more

What is causing a clicking sound when I swallow?

For many people, chewing and swallowing is a simple process that does not produce any cause for concern. But when something is amiss and not performing as it should, we become worried. Our oral cavity is made up of several structures involved in digesting food. Our jaw muscles, tongue, and esophagus all work in concert here to read more
