Search Results for: flu


Owning a dog decreases risk of death

Owning a furry friend can be a source of love and affection that can’t be found anywhere else. Simply owning a pet can be a great improvement to quality of life, even helping to decrease stress, anxiety, and depression. A new study wanted to look deeper into the effect that pets, specifically owning a dog, here to read more

Ice pick headaches: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Experiencing ice pick headaches, as the name implies, feels like someone is stabbing an ice pick in your head. This type of headache causes intense pain that often harms sufferers, as the incessant stabbing pain may make them seriously contemplate the possibility of death. While ice pick headaches may present as intense and debilitating, they here to read more


Vascular headache types: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

A vascular headache is a condition characterized by dilation or swelling of the blood vessels leading to headache pain. There are many kinds of headaches that cause blood vessels in the head to become enlarged, distended, or inflamed. Patients often complain of throbbing pain that worsens with physical activity when afflicted with a vascular headache. here to read more
