Search Results for: flu


Your daily glass of wine is increasing your risk of this

As the saying goes, “It’s wine o’clock, somewhere!” The popularity of wine is quite evident, especially among younger women. It seems that wine—although around for centuries—is really hitting its peak in popularity, with people partaking in “Wine Wednesday.” On one hand, many studies have pointed to the health benefits of wine due to it being here to read more

What causes burning back pain?

Having the sensation of burning back pain can be very annoying and quite debilitating. There are many reasons why back pain develops, and the nature of the pain can be an important clue for physicians seeking a diagnosis. While back pain symptoms vary from patient to patient, having a back pain burning sensation is often here to read more

5 tips to prevent bloating

Does your stomach seem to grow after each meal? Do you feel gassy, uncomfortable, and maybe even unzip your pants after eating? If this sounds like you, then you probably suffer from bloating, which is an incredibly uncomfortable feeling. How and what we eat plays a large role in how we feel post-meal. For example, here to read more

Over 60? You’re at risk for this…

As a kid, you probably developed chicken pox—a rash all over your body that was incredibly itchy and made you miss several school days. You may think that chicken pox is something that only young children experience, but it can affect seniors too, and when it does, it is known as shingles. Shingles is far here to read more

Food-seeking behavior may be learned: Study

When we feel our stomach growl, it’s a signal that we need to eat something soon. Likewise, when we have eaten a meal and feel full, our body tells us that we don’t need to eat anymore. However, a new study suggests that these feelings could be learned in the opposite manner. “We already know here to read more


What causes inner thigh pain?

Inner thigh pain can be uncomfortable and brief or it can be lasting and debilitating. Depending on the cause of the pain, you may need to seek medical attention and treatment. Inner thigh pain can be different for each individual. Just how the pain presents itself depends on what the underlying cause is, but some here to read more

6 troublesome reasons for your eye problems

Are you concerned about your vision? If so, you are not alone. In fact, failing vision is a top concern for many aging adults. Vision is an important aspect of well-being. Being able to see allows you to be independent, explore the world, and learn new things. When vision is impaired, it can leave individuals here to read more

What causes struvite kidney stones

While kidney stones are familiar to most people, struvite kidney stones may not be. Struvite kidney stones have sharp, uneven edges and they tend to grow quickly, leading to a malfunction of the kidney. This type of stone requires immediate medical attention. The kidney plays an important role in the human body. It filters waste, here to read more
