Search Results for: flu


What causes irregular bowel movements?

If you have more than three loose stools a day or less than four stools in total each week, you have irregular bowel movements. Both diarrhea and constipation can be a big problem. Aside from the fact that irregular bowel movements can be uncomfortable, many people are embarrassed about it, especially those who are unable here to read more

Gallbladder sludge diet and home remedies

Gallbladder or biliary sludge is a mixture of small particle solids that accumulate from bile, a fluid stored in the gallbladder that helps in the process of digestion. This sludge can cause severe pain and discomfort to those affected. These symptoms may resemble gallstone symptoms, but gallbladder sludge is thickened bile that has remained in here to read more

Boost brain power with this one thing

In previous e-mails, we told you about the benefits of sex, which include burning calories, reducing stress, improving sleep, increasing intimacy, and improving your mood. Well, you can now add boosting brain power to that list too, according to latest research findings. Researchers of the study published in The Journals of Gerontology found that regular here to read more

Cause of loss of smell in Parkinson’s disease patients found

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that affects the motor system of those affected. Nearly 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease each year, with thousands of cases going undetected. Common symptoms of Parkinson’s include tremors, stiffness, and rigidity. This causes patients to have slow movements throughout their lives, here to read more

The Healthy Truth: The rundown on phobias

Dear friends, Do you have any phobias? If you’re unsure what a phobia is, it’s an irrational fear of a person, place, thing, or situation. Phobias are actually types of an anxiety disorder and a person with a phobia will do anything in their power to avoid whatever it is causing them this immense fear. here to read more

This is why you gain weight as you age

If you’re over the age of 40 or 50, you may have noticed that your weight is much harder to maintain. You put it on much easier and it is far more difficult to lose. We blame it on getting older or poor diet choices and lack of exercise, but women specifically have their hormones here to read more

