Articles Related To Headaches.


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Category Archives: Headaches

National Celiac Disease Awareness Day: IBD, migraine, gluten sensitivity, gluten-free diet, liver disease

September 13, 2016 is National Celiac Disease Awareness Day. As it’s approaching next week, we present our top stories discussing various aspects of celiac disease, including inflammatory bowel disease, migraines, gluten sensitivity, gluten-free diet, and liver disease. September 13 was chosen as celiac awareness day because that is the birthday of Samuel Gee who was here to read more

Can dry eyes cause migraines and headaches?

If you’ve ever wondered – Can dry eyes cause migraines and headaches? – the simple answer to that question is, yes. But before we discuss the association between dry eyes and migraines, let’s get a quick overview of dry eyes. While dry eye symptoms may be experienced differently by different people, some general commonalities include here to read more


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Migraines, tension headaches, and irritable bowel syndrome share common genetic links, says study

Migraines, tension headaches, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have been found to share a common genetic link. Irritable bowel syndrome is a gastrointestinal disorder that affects nearly 45 million people in the U.S. The exact cause of IBS is still unknown and many patients can go undiagnosed for years. Symptoms of IBS include bloating, diarrhea, here to read more

Migraine with aura increases risk of heart attack, blood clots in women

Two 2013 studies found that women who experience migraines with aura – headaches accompanied by visual disturbances – have a greater risk of heart attack and blood clots. The first study revealed that migraine with aura largely contributes to cardiovascular events and stroke, and the second study looked at women’s use of hormonal contraceptives and here to read more

Migraine with aura and epilepsy share genetic link

Migraine with aura and epilepsy have been found to share a genetic link. The findings, published in Epilepsia, found that a strong family history of seizures was associated with higher incidences of migraines with aura. There is much evidence that supports a coexistence of migraine and epilepsy, and previous findings revealed that epilepsy patients are here to read more

Fibromyalgia, the risk of migraine and other primary headaches

Fibromyalgia, a condition characterized by widespread chronic pain, has been associated with migraine headaches. People who have fibromyalgia experience various symptoms, including pain, anxiety, depression, fatigue, mental fog, and morning stiffness. Another common complaint among sufferers is migraines. Research shows that almost all people with fibromyalgia will suffer a migraine at some point; some will here to read more

Tyramine rich foods can trigger migraines

There are all sorts of triggers for migraines, but for many sufferers, tyramine rich foods seem to active the problem. Tyramine is a naturally occurring compound that comes from the amino acid called “tyrosine.” It acts as a releasing agent that impacts our neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that play a major role in our here to read more