Prevent bladder leaks with these tips

bladder-leaksBladder problems are on the rise, and incontinence is one of them. You see more and more commercials addressing the issue of leaking, which is no longer a taboo to discuss.

With aging, your bladder becomes weaker, and if you’re a woman who had children, bladder leaks are a serious concern for you. For these reasons, taking preventative measures is important in order to avoid further bladder health complications.


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Here are eight tips to help prevent bladder problems and future complications, so you don’t have to suffer from bladder woes.

8 tips to help prevent bladder leakage

Maintain a healthy weight: The heavier you are the more pressure is being applied to your bladder, causing unexpected leaks. Losing those extra pounds may be just enough to help you regain some control over your bladder.

Work your Kegels: Exercising your pelvic floor muscles is easy and can be done anywhere. Contract your pelvic area as if you are holding in urine. Holding this for a few moments, releasing, and repeating a few times a day can make these muscles stronger, thus preventing accidents.

Pay attention to your medications: Did you know that the medications you are taking can sometimes be the cause of your weak bladder? Discuss any bladder-related side effects with your doctor.

Pay attention to your beverages: Coffee, tea, soda, and basically anything caffeinated can have you running for a bathroom. Pay close attention to your caffeine intake, especially in your beverages.
Avoid irritating foods: Food, too, can play a role in your bladder. Although each person’s triggers are different, common ones include foods that contain caffeine, spicy foods, and citrus foods. Uncovering your own triggers can help you regain control over your bladder.

Quit smoking: If you smoke, you are harming your kidneys. Smoking increases the risk of bladder cancer, and cigarette smoke and nicotine are irritants to your bladder. While smoking is harmful for your overall health, this is yet another reason to quit.


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Reduce the risk of UTIs: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract or bladder, causing symptoms like pain, burning while urinating, and frequent urination. Over time, frequent UTIs can increase a person’s risk of developing incontinence later on in life. Reduce your risk of UTIs by peeing after sex and drinking cranberry juice.

Avoid constipation: Not being able to have a bowel movement may be causing you to frequently urinate instead. Keeping your rectum clear can also promote bladder health, as there is no added pressure on the bladder.

With these tips, you control your bladder function and lower the risk of any future problems more effectively.


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Related Reading:

Foods to avoid if you suffer from bladder leaks

Natural home remedies for overactive bladder


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